A repeater using what many call simplex freq, but is within the FCC 97 band 
limits is not illegal so there would be no grounds for an enforcement letter.  

One does not need coordination to put on a repeater, however, I encourage all 
to get coordinated.  Here in Florida the council would not give coordination, 
but still nothing legal wise can be done for it is not illegal.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>From: "Daron J. Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2007/10/13 Sat PM 03:57:28 CDT
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: RE: [Bulk] RE: [Repeater-Builder] RAIN Report: D-STAR Repeater 
>Trustee,  K6BIV, Responds to NFCC Letter to the FCC

>>How does he have a repeater on the simplex channels and not get an
>>enforcement letter. Really bad practice,
>Mr. Mackey's alleged (I'm being polite) non coordinated, non band plan
>compliant analog repeater is certainly 'eligible' for such a letter.  What
>amazes me more is the IRLP node in Portland that is UHF linked to a 146.520
>remote base on a commercial tower that pretty much hoses the national
>simplex frequency for the entire metro area.
>The more curious fact is why folks feel the need to operate their stuff
>outside the box, outside of 'coordination' that the rest of us live with.
>There will always be one or two that pull this kind of crap and force the
>entire amateur population to struggle with it.

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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