You wont believe this...

Goto to ebay right now and search for midland 220 radio

What you need is right there.. add it to your watch list.

Keith, KB7M wrote:
> I just looked at the prices for the Hamtronics and Maggiore equipment as 
> suggested by others, and you're right.  They're expensive!  I'd be much 
> better off going with a repeater-builder conversion.  Has anyone had 
> experience with the older Midland 220 rigs converted to repeater 
> operation?  It looks like that may be a real inexpensive solution if I 
> can find one and if they work well.

Jay Urish W5GM  ex. KB5VPS

ARRL Life Member        Denton County ARRL VEC
N5ERS VP/Trustee        

Monitoring 444.850 PL-88.5 146.92 PL-110.9

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