Maybe when Motorola buys Yaesu, and before they
discontinue all their equipment, they'll fix some of
the bugs like that. Sounds likt their tone decoder has
about the same amount of filtering that their TX audio
does, so it can't handle tone properly except to open
the squelch.

Bob M.
--- Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bob M. wrote:
> > Removing the tone works with ALL decoders, but it
> does
> > take more time for some to realize that the tone
> is
> > gone, so if the system can keep the transmitter on
> > without modulation for 1/4 to 1/2 second, that'll
> do
> > nicely.
> > 
> Unless it's some of the newer Yaesu's, at least
> hand-helds. Some I've 
> seen don't close the squelch until the signal goes
> away. It won't open 
> unless the right tone is there, but once it's open,
> it stays open as 
> long as squelch is open.
> -- 
> Jim Barbour

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