At 12/14/2007 07:50, you wrote:

>At 12/13/2007 13:01, you wrote:
> >By the way, if you have not noticed it yet, the RUS
> >signal on a GE system is a combination of the COS and
> >CTCSS signals, and works great as the COS input to
> >your controller. It shows a slight delay coming up
> >(while the CTCSS decoder locks up) but turns off
>Actually, I've found that the RUS line has a slight delay even without
>using CTCSS. This has the effect of making "picket fencing" sound much
>worse because the squelch stays closed for a greater percentage of the
>time. I use the CAS signal (J912 on the MVP SAS board) & add a 3.3 uF cap
>to pin 13 of U901 to make the MVP squelch work like a Mastr II mobile squelch.

Oops, that should have been 4.7 uF on pin 13 (had Micor squelch on my mind) 
& of course it goes to ground.

Bob NO6B

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