At 12/14/2007 17:56, you wrote:

>Bob, I have four repeaters in service using a Zetron
>38A controller, and had the following experience.
>When I enabled the courtesy tone at the end of a
>transmission a station that was on the edge and
>'picket fencing' would be unreadable for all the beeps
>the controller would insert. It seems the Zetron
>would insert the beep for any drop in the CAS line. I
>had to disable the courtesy tone on all the repeaters.

I don't/wouldn't use a controller that didn't have any courtesy tone delay.

>When I did the squelch board mod, this problem went
>away. I was able to put the courtesy tone back in on
>all the repeaters as I modified the SAS boards with
>the new capacitor values and no extraneous beeps
>occured with a 'picket fencing' signal. It seems that
>the quick cycling of the CAS line was triggering off
>the beeps even though the CAS came right back up, but
>the Zetron was committed to outputing the beep, and
>destroying the intelligability of the station
>I think the problem you have experienced when using
>RUS in place of CAS would go away if you had also
>implemented the SAS mod recommended on the RB site.

I don't see how increasing the value of a capacitor would reduce the 
squelch attack time.  OTOH it may increase the fast squelch release time, 
which would be very undesirable IMO.

If I get some time I'll try the mod. & measure the length of the FQ squelch 
tail before & after the capacitor change.

Bob NO6B

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