---your not talking about two repeaters in "differant towns" with the 
same frequency and differant pl's? I believe your talking about about 
2-repeaters in the same town?
Cause I do know that frequency coordinators do set the same 
frequencies on repeaters within a 200 mile radius, which does cause 
interferance with the other repeater.
In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Doug Dickinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I still don't understand why people object to two repeaters - 
properly designed - cannot share the same channel? With separate PL 
tones and limited hand time, they can complement each other.
>   The use of a coordinator that "assigns" a channel based on 
antiquated criteria is still providing exclusive use of a channel to 
an amateur repeater. As such, I think it could be challenged.
>   In reality, two properly designed and implemented repeaters with 
PL tones can share the same electromagnetic space and live nicely 
together - they just get used one at a time based on the initiator's 
communications need at that time.
>   IMHO
>   Doug
>   KC0SDQ

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