
The problems most people have with colinears in radomes is (1) leakage of water 
into antennas assembled from more than one section, (2) internal connections 
which break or develop intermittents, and (3) they're often completely 
destroyed in a lightning strike, sometimes spectacularly, because the 
small-diamater conductors vaporize inside the sealed radome, causing an 

(1) Can be addressed by using antennas with one-piece radomes. In theory, the 
right preparation to seal junctions might also work. In long-term 
installations, the gel-coat on the radomes will break down under UV radiation 
from the sun, followed by the fiberglass, which may allow water migration 
through the radome.

(2) Broken internal connections can develop quickly if a fiberglass radome 
antenna is top-mounted on a tower. If it's side-mounted, with a brace for the 
top to stop waving in the wind, they can last much longer.

(3) Some people swear by various lightning arrestor or static-dissipation 
schemes. I have no personal experience here. Others just put up a heavy-duty 
exposed-dipole array, which can often live through direct lightning hits with 
only cosmetic damage.

Some people have good luck with Diamond or Comet, especially at sites with low 
potential for intermod.

Paul, AE4KR

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Cort Buffington 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:36 PM
  Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Dual-Band Repeater Antenna


  I've been doing TONS of reading. Mostly I'm hearing that fiberglass 
  radome antennas aren't so good in repeater service. I'm looking for a 
  dual-band antenna (2m/70cm) for a 70cm repeater and 2m remote base. 
  I'm not finding much that isn't a fiberglass radome. I'm not set on a 
  huge antenna -- moderate gain would be fine. Any suggestions before I 
  just say forget about it and just put up a DB-408 or DB-420 for the 
  repeater and run the remote base on something 25' up the tower?

  73 DE N0MJS


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