
I would recommend all rigs be pre-set in a standard manner.

That is in memories set same for various memories such as for VHF put in memory 
1 the main freq with all needed.  Same for rest of memories.

The last thing one needs in an EOC setting is having to learn how to use a rig. 
 Of course there will always be some kind of learning curve...just knowing 
where the mike gain, volume, squelch etc on rigs like HF rigs is either 
practiced before hand or the ops just have to learn.  Again pre-program the 
memories.  Having to program freq, offset, CTCSS, etc is normally not needed if 
pre-set and is a problem with new ops.

Post a list of what freq does what in plane site right on the front of the 
station with freq & memory.  If main repeater and most used freq put in memory 
1 in all, VHF and UHF.  Memory 2 back up repeater, memory 3 simplex and then 
other repeaters that might be used.

The one problem all emergency operations have the Hams showing up are there for 
the first time.  So many Hams brag about the value of Ham Radio in a disaster, 
but few show up for regular meetings and it becomes difficult to have them 

If you make up a 50 page book on procedures and operating standards it will be 
kinda useless.

We just learned in my area that ARES/RACES will be put in charge of 
distributing radios, not just Ham rigs, in a disaster.  If a group shows up 
with 20 radios and 20 people the gov will take some of the radios and assess 
where they would be needed.  Well guess what, some of these are trunked rigs 
and we Hams have only seen on a deputy's belt or around the EOC, but never 
operated one.  The deputy's who carries them daily do not know how to put them 
in emergency modes.

73, ron, n9ee/r

ps  Also label the antennas coming in the shack.

>From: Mike Morris WA6ILQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/03/25 Tue PM 05:28:50 CDT
>To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Off Topic, trying not to re-invent the wheel...

>Yes, this is off topic, but I thought I'd tap the combined
>experience of the 3000 plus group members...
>Over and above helping set up a couple of repeaters, I've
>been asked to help out a local Red Cross chapter in
>their Emergency Comm Center.
>The situation is that they have a number of operators that
>are familiar with one model (or brand) of radio, and on zero
>notice may be assigned to sit an a operating position (in
>either the fixed or mobile comm centers) that has a totally
>unfamiliar radio.
>I've requested a list of the ham radios in both comm centers.
>So far I know that there are three Yaesu FT7800 radios, and
>a number of Kenwoods including the 231 and 241.I've asked
>for a full list...
>Before I spend several evenings prepping writeups (that
>will be made into laminated cards) for various radios
>does anybody have a "cheat sheet" containing steps
>for the Yaesu 7800 for:
>(card 1 face)
>Operating Instructions using preprogrammed memory channels:
>1.  Turn on radio, adjust volume and squelch
>2.  (next step)
>3.  (next step)
>4.  Select VHF or UHF by pressing the button marked.....
>5)  (next step)
>6)  (next step)
>Selecting memory channel
>1)  (step 1)
>2)   (next step)
>(flip side of card 1)
>Operating Instructions in VFO mode
>1.  Turn on radio, adjust volume and squelch
>2.  (next step)
>3.  (next step)
>4.  Select VHF or UHF by pressing the button marked.....
>5)  (next step)
>6)  (next step)
>Selecting receive frequency
>1)  (step 1)
>2)   (next step)
>Selecting offset  (i.e. the transmit frequency)
>1)  (step 1)
>2)   (next step)
>Selecting CTCSS encode tone
>1)  (step 1)
>2)   (next step)
>(card 2)
>Programming the radio (loading frequencies into memories)
>1.  Turn on radio, adjust volume and squelch
>2.  (next step)
>3.  (next step)
>4.  Select VHF or UHF by pressing the button marked.....
>5)  (next step)
>6)  (next step)
>See  other card for setting up radio in VFO mode
>Copying VFO to selected memory channel
>(note do not overwrite any existing memory
>1)  (step 1)
>2)   (next step)
>Thanks in advance.....
>Mike WA6ILQ

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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