
Usually the easiest way to find what band and band segment it are on is to look 
at the Channel Elements, the small cans in the exciter and receiver.  They 
unplug.  A label on the top of the cans gives its frequency.  However, to 
prevent them being put back on the same freq some pull the elements.  Most 
always one can get to them thru a panel behind the receiver.  Same with some 

There were 3 ranges for VHF as someone stated.

Wonder what the heat sink looks like.  The continuous duty has large 17"w x 7h 
x 6 deep heat sink.  Otherwise it is built into the main chassis or is tube amp.

Mot made a number of variations of these.  They do make good repeaters.  Just 
takes some work.

One clue if it is a repeater and not a base station is the card cage usually 
has a "Squelch Gate" card.  This controls rx to tx keying.

I think others gave you lots of good info with the repeater builders site.

The power supply tells lots.  Might describe it.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>Date: 2008/03/28 Fri PM 01:19:10 CDT
>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Compa Station Help

>I have a Compa Station with the model number C73RTB-1106C.
>I am looking for some help figuring out what this is 
>split, etc and how to make it into a repeater.
>First things first is that there is no power leads hooked 
>up except for the one to the control board box.  I can see 
>where there are places for heavy cables from the power 
>supply to the transmitter.  Is there seperate power for 
>the receiver or does that come from the ribbon cable?
>How can I get this thing to key up to see what the TX 
>frequency is?  If I find out the TX freq can I sweep the 
>recv side with a freq generator to figure out where it 
>opens up?
>Are these crystal controlled or can they be adjusted to 
>get the right frequency pair?

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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