At 7/26/2008 15:26, you wrote:

> > wd8chl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If the duplexer was supplied from Telewave on 2M, then
> > what you have is right. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!
> > They just aren't that critical people!!!
> >
> > Even if it was originally on 150-160, it would still be fine!
>I don't agree... nor do I care to argue with you about the
>hard numbers.
>I have a number of TPRD-1454 and TPRD-1554 duplexers here and
>the difference in specified cable lengths for each model and
>it's default frequency does change the performance enough to
>make me not want to use the wrong/other frequency range cables
>in the adjacent band/range.

I believe the problem at the duplexer T is the mismatch created by the 
wrong cable lengths.  The reject is supposed to "look" like an open at the 
T so that the pass freq. passes through the T without any added mismatch 
from the reject side.  If the cable lengths are off a little, the open 
becomes a slight reactance that will show up as some reflected power at the 
TX & (if you were to TX into the RX port of the duplexer for tuning) RX ports.

Try tuning each side of the duplexer separately without the T, then connect 
the T with a 50 ohm load on the antenna port.  If the reflected power is 
unacceptable, the cable lengths are probably the problem.

Bob NO6B

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