

I'd think it's broadbanded enough to be able to work well at 444.  The
antenna I have on my 444.5500 repeater (although supposedly "tuned" to the
ham band) is actually a 450 - 470 MHz, 4-bay dipole itself. and it does VERY
well, even with the "modified" phasing harness.


Mark - N9WYS


From:  On Behalf Of ka9qjg

,_._, A recent storm damaged my repeater Ant 444.750 it was made By Antenex

  5 db Gain, They tuned to Xmit Freq. I also have a G-6 that was hit By
Lightning that I could Repair.  But in the Rafters of the garage I found a
Ant I must of bought a long time ago at a Hamfest it is a DB Product
TDE-7260 4 Bay 450-470 Mhz 


My question would the DB Product which of course is made very well ,
Perform as well or betters then the 2 Above at the same Height, Coax and SWR
,  I did look around in the Group Messages and found info on  the 2 Meter DB
Brand  but not the 440 


Thanks Don 



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