> Other than being off-topic for the topic (but not this list), I 
> disagree.  Personally, I'd like to know exactly what Eric doesn't
like about the RC-210.  I've owned one myself & didn't care for it
either, but obviously many others have opposite opinions.
Bob NO6B

Bob and all the "others who have opposite opinions"

The obvious track would be to start a new string that was "on
topic"... Nowhere has anyone asked for opinions as to the quality of
the Motorola mic, the microphone cable, the connector, or the ARCOM

If you and all the "others who have opposite opinions" (opposite to
what I don't know) want to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of
one of the particular components in the original setup, start a new

That way, those of us who have heard this before can ignore the same
old discussion that occurred previously.

Otherwise, the rest of us would like to work at resolving the original
"problem" which is purely technical in nature at this time and not


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