
The original thread started 08/11... and (forgive me for the bandwidth
usage) I captured most of it here. I did take the liberty to edit out some
of the stuff I felt was "unimportant" or "non-productive".  

At one point in the build, I *thought* I had this problem resolved... but
apparently what was happening was the PL was bleeding through from the
receive to the transmitter.  That is why I was able to "talk it off".  After
looking at the station operation with a service monitor, I am certain that
it is NOT encoding PL for transmit.  I have no PL at Pin 2 of the Master
Decoder, which is what feeds the PL tone to the exciter/modulator.

For everyone: At one point, Eric referred me to an eBay auction, listing
among other things a Master Decoder card of the same part number as the ones
I have.  Those cards were in an MSY chassis... which makes me wonder if
there is a fundamental difference on the MSY-version versus the
MICOR-version of this card.  My examination of the card leads me to believe
this is the case, I just need to verify this.

Eric, the part number stamped on the backplane is: TRN6421A, and the number
on the Master Decoder card is: TLN5803A

Thanks everyone!
Mark - N9WYS / WQIV271

-----Copied Thread-----
From: On Behalf Of n9wys
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 11:26 AM

More information about this project.

I have the station working - receiving, decoding proper PL tone, repeating,
transmitting audio, etc.  The only thing it is NOT doing is encoding tone
for transmit.  (A reminder - this is a Community Repeater MICOR chassis, NOT
the standard repeater chassis.)  Anyway - from what I can tell, the Master
Control module is NOT sending tone out to the modulator.  The problem I have
is this: the manual supplement I have shows a different Master Control
module that what I have.  My modules are not IC-based, the ones on the
manual are.  Therefore, I believe the schematic and operation for the module
I have is completely different than that in the manual.

Does anyone have an earlier issue of the Community Repeater manual -
68P81025E55 (probably revision A, since mine is a "B")?  *ALL* I think I
need are the pages pertaining to the Master Control Module - part #TLN5803A.
(Other part numbers may be:  TLN8780A or TLN1684A - these are numbers
stamped on the flange of the card - the first number above was printed right
on the circuit board.)  The module referenced in my manual is TRN6165A.

For those with a manual - I am seeing tone at Pin 7 ("Tone PL Out") but not
at Pin 2 ("Tone or Binary PL to Modulator") on the Master Control module.  I
tried merely jumpering Pin 7 to Pin 2 - doesn't work.  Because the schematic
and board layout is completely different, I have no reference to be able to
chase signal through the circuit.  I'm also wondering if a required jumper
is missing or a jumper is improperly installed on my Master Control card.

Mark - N9WYS

From: On Behalf Of Eric Lemmon
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:18 PM


What is the number stamped in black ink directly on the PCB of the master
control module?  I know you recently received the community repeater manual,
and that manual doesn't contain the information on that module?  Odd...

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY


The Master Control module I have is: TLN5803A

The module referenced in my manual is: TRN6165A.

The manual's module is definitely a newer design - it is IC-based (two chips
on the board).  My modules are "pre-IC" -- no chips at all.  I've also seen
cover designs for (what I believe is) an earlier version of the Comm. Rptr.
manual supplement, so there is at least one version prior to the one I

Mark - N9WYS 

From: On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:59 PM

Before the last hiatus, I was attempting to find a schematic for a MICOR
Master Control module, part # TLN5803A.  I still am in need of it.

Does anybody have a first edition MICOR Community Repeater manual supplement
that may have this schematic in it?  My manual is a later issue, and doesn't
not contain what I need.  I would be greatly appreciative if someone could
locate this and scan it for me!

This module schematic may also be in a MOTRAC manual, if that helps anyone
in locating this module for me.  (I have found the module installed in a
MOTRAC repeater.)

Mark - N9WYS

From: n9wys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3:48 PM

Everyone, today I tried contacting Motorola parts for a manual and/or
schematic for the Master Decoder module I have, Part #TLN5803A.

Needless to say, navigating Motorola's call-handling system was a real trip.
First I ended up with someone in "Cell Phones", then someone in
"Recreational Radio". I finally ended up with Don in "Commercial Radio"...

Don put life and limb at risk by venturing into the old archives.
Unfortunately they no longer have any manuals available which refer to this
module.  :-(  He WAS able to give me the manual numbers for the MICOR
manuals, but I already have them all.  When I asked about the MSY-series
station manuals, he said those have been NLA since 1976 or so...

So I'm here again to plead with those who have old libraries of Motorola
manuals -- PLEASE check your stash to see if you may have anything for the
MSY-series community repeater. (Possible model number C74MSY-3101BY or
similar - the "BY" is the key here, I think.)  I have seen a older
MSY-series station on eBay with this card in the chassis, so hopefully
someone out there has the manual for it.

I *REALLY* need this schematic to get my repeater going...

Mark - N9WYS / WQIV271

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Eric Lemmon
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 11:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Update on the MICOR Community Repeater


I could not find the previous messages on your thread, so please restate the
module numbers of the Master Decoder and Unified Chassis Backplane that you
now have.  Do all of the backplanes have the same number stamped in black
ink on them?  The number I am referring to is the number stamped along one
edge of the PC board itself, not on sheet metal parts.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

From: On Behalf Of n9wys
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 7:33 PM

Well, I got this thing all reassembled and tuned up on the new frequency
pair. a fellow ham (who used to work for the local Motorola shop) came over
with his service monitor and we tuned and tested the system.  It is still
not passing PL to the transmitter.  Some PL bleeds through from the receive,
but I know that is not correct - nor is it of sufficient level. (I only get
about 90 Hz of deviation with this PL.)

We took a CLOSE look at the Master Decoder card itself and it appears to be
configured VERY differently than the later version depicted in my manual.
For example, the later version card (based on two ICs) has no connection on
Pin 24 to the backplane.  My card (an earlier version with discrete
components) appears to have some sort of signal (audio) on Pin 24.  So I
need desperately to find either the manual pages pertaining to my older
Master Decoder card, or I need a newer version card.  If ANYONE has either
of these, I'd be much obliged of you would contact me.  The issue HAS to be
the Master Decoder card - it is not passing any PL to the exciter.  The
problem is, I have about 8 of the same vintage Master Decoder card, so
changing them out is not resolving the issue.

For the time being, I am going to put the machine on the air as-is. it works
just fine, other than it will have to be CSQ receive for all users.  I'll
decide later on whether I will put in a tone panel, or continue to operate
it as it is now.

Mark - N9WYS / WQIV271

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