Yep - I see the same as you, Eric.  That's why I continue to wonder about
these cards.  

I originally bought 14 chassis altogether, and was provided with about 9 of
the same Master Decoder card.  In the beginning - the world was dark and
without form... sorry I digress.  In the beginning, I got the chassis and
cards from a purveyor who had them stacked in the corner of his place.
Can't vouch for where they came from, or if they were even assembled and
working prior to that (some of them were already victims of parts
scavengers) and to be honest, I can't remember if he did, either.  So since
the very start I've been operating on the assumption that these cards worked
in the chassis I have -- probably an incorrect assumption, I'm beginning to

However, the bigger problem is NOBODY seems to be responding as to whether
they have either the later version cards OR the schematic for the cards I
have.  Until I can confirm something (one way or another) I'm at an impasse.

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From:  On Behalf Of Eric Lemmon


Now, I'm the one who is confused!  I just looked at a UHF community repeater
and noticed that it has a TRN6421APR backplane.  However, it is equipped
with a TRN6165A Master Decoder.  I therefore wonder if the TLN5803A Master
Decoder you have even belongs to that machine.  I confirmed, as you did,
that Pin 24 on the TRN6165A Master Decoder has no connection.  Is it
possible that the previous owner simply stuffed the chassis with leftover

The TRN6421APR backplane PCB has the following module assignments, right to

1 - Timeout Timer
2 - Station Control
3 - Squelch Gate
4 - Single Tone Decoder
5 - Master Decoder
6 - Four-User Control
7 - Ditto
8 - Ditto
9 - Ditto
10 - Diode Logic
11 - Multi-TPL Encoder
12 - Multi DPL Encoder

I have no manuals for a Community Repeater, so I do not have any means to
follow the signal path via schematics.  That said, it seems to me that a
"Multi-TPL Encoder" in Slot 11 would generate the unique PL tone that the
repeater would transmit.  You did not state if such a module was installed
in your station, so I wonder if that is why your station is not encoding the
tone.  As others have noted, it is always preferable to filter out and then
regenerate a PL tone, rather than allow it to pass through a repeater.  The
reason for that is two-fold:  Some cheap user radios have very poor tone
purity, and may be difficult to decode, and some user radios have
widely-varying tone deviation that range from not enough to double or triple
the "proper" level.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of n9wys
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Update on the MICOR Community Repeater


--- (snip) ---

At one point in the build, I *thought* I had this problem resolved... but
apparently what was happening was the PL was bleeding through from the
receive to the transmitter. That is why I was able to "talk it off". After
looking at the station operation with a service monitor, I am certain that
it is NOT encoding PL for transmit. I have no PL at Pin 2 of the Master
Decoder, which is what feeds the PL tone to the exciter/modulator.

For everyone: At one point, Eric referred me to an eBay auction, listing
among other things a Master Decoder card of the same part number as the ones
I have. Those cards were in an MSY chassis... which makes me wonder if
there is a fundamental difference on the MSY-version versus the
MICOR-version of this card. My examination of the card leads me to believe
this is the case, I just need to verify this.

Eric, the part number stamped on the backplane is: TRN6421A, and the number
on the Master Decoder card is: TLN5803A

Thanks everyone!
Mark - N9WYS / WQIV271

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