Channel 2 may not go off the air on February 18. The entire NPRM is here:

Harry, W0OZL

1. The Short-term Analog Flash and Emergency Readiness Act ("Analog 
Nightlight Act" or

"Act")1 requires the Commission to develop and implement a program by 
January 15, 2009, to

"encourage and permit" continued analog TV service after the February 17, 
2009 DTV transition date,

where technically feasible, for the purpose of providing "public safety 
information" and "DTV transition

information" to viewers who may not obtain the necessary equipment to 
receive digital broadcasts after

the transition date. In this way, the continued analog service would serve 
like a "nightlight" to unprepared

viewers, assuring that these viewers continue to have access to emergency 
information and guiding them

with information to help them make a belated transition. This Notice 
describes the procedures the

Commission intends to follow to implement the Act; the nature of the 
programming permitted by the Act;

and the stations that are eligible to participate in the Analog Nightlight 
program. Stations that are eligible

under the Act to provide nightlight service may choose to provide their own 
service on their analog

channels, or may choose to work with other stations in their community to 
provide a comprehensive

nightlight service on one or more analog channels in that community. 
Stations that cannot broadcast their

own nightlight service can participate in a joint nightlight effort together 
with other stations in their

community by providing financial, technical, or other resources.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JOHN MACKEY" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 3:54 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] More 6 meter repeater interference!!

> I've had it.  I am DEMANDING that the local TV channel 2 STOP transmitting 
> or
> change to a different frequency to end the interference they are causing 
> my 6
> meter repeater. 

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