To all interested:

I have examined my customers energy bills and there is a power factor
number displayed on every bill, in this case .85 or 85%.  Now I don't know
if the meter reader actually is reading that off the meter every month or
not, I suspect they are only interested in the kWh and demand reading each
month but if you watch the digital meter it does display KVAR and some
number as it steps through four or five different readings, guess it would
be nice to know what all those other readings are.

Now for the rest of the story.

I called the utility company, Consumers Energy in this case and asked if my
customer would get a lower rate if he were to bring his power factor closer
to unity.

The answer was "no. There is no rate decrease for power factors of 80% or
greater only an increase if he drops below 80%" even though he spends a
couple thousand on average a month, power factor correction would not
benefit him unless his power factor drooped below 80%.

In a nut shell,  the only people to benefit by installing these energy
saving gizmos are the people who sell and install them and the power
company, don't let anybody try to tell you any different.

The customer had the gizmo salesman call and talk to me and tell me how it
worked, he said "It stores the power until you need it then it puts it back
in to line"

Quote from their website:

The Electric Meter Miser

The Best Place to Earn up to a 30% Return!

 Packed with energy storing capacitors, it holds excess energy until you
are ready to draw more from the power grid.  Most appliance motors operate
and expend wasted energy forcing you to demand more energy from your power
source.  This energy-saver stores electricity keeping your bill down to
affordable levels. 

How could I argue with that?

Here is my favorite you tube video, toward the end he is showing a power
factor meter device hooked up to a typical house with an energy gizmo.

With the gizmo off the power factor is .05 thats right 5%, with the unit on
it is increased to .98.

How could I argue with that? 


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