I had the same sorta set un till I got a harris Radio Phone 60 watts cont.
duty right out of the box and thay tune to the ham bang nicely

When I ran the Micros I had both worked for RX and TX so if my RX died I
could flip the radios and be back on the air

thats an idea if it was set up that way ..  I will look in my spare part to
see if I have my bench set up still kicking around


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Mike Besemer (WM4B) <mwbese...@cox.net>wrote:

>   Greetings all,
> I normally maintain a couple of 'out-of-the-box' (Kendecom) repeaters, but
> recently I've been asked to help out with another system that is homebrewed
> from Micors. It consists of 4 Micors (TX on 2 meters, RX on 2 meters, TX on
> 440 and RX on 440) linked with a CAT-500 and a set of homebrew controls.
> Lately, the 2 meter RX has become intermittent. For a while, I'd been able
> to either wiggle the plug on the front of the receiver or give the receiver
> a good whack and it'd come back to life, but lately it's become more and
> more obstinate. A couple of weeks ago, I brought the RX back to my shop and
> pulled all the boards, cleaned the pins and did my best to look for obvious
> problems. I really didn't see anything wrong, but when I reinstalled the
> RX, it work fine and I thought (after it ran for a couple of weeks) I must
> have fixed it. (I have no way of running it on the bench... so it was just
> a plug-and-pray fix.)
> Unfortunately, it crapped out again a couple of days ago, and this time
> reseating the plug and banging had no effect. One thing I did notice that
> I'd not seen before (it's hard to access the rear of the repeater) is that
> the plug (on the harness) is missing a piece of plastic surrounding the
> three pins nearest the hinged side of the handle. I haven't had time to
> pull up the drawings yet to see what those pins are, but I suspect that may
> be at the heart of my problem.
> At any rate, I'd like to be able to run this beast on my bench. Where can I
> come up with a harness and control, and what (if any) additional hardware
> would I need to be able to get this thing hooked up?
> Second, IF the harness plug IS the problem, what's the best course of
> action? Changing the plug looks like a real bugger. I haven't traced it up
> to the homebrew controls yet, so I'm not sure how difficult it'd be to swap
> out the entire harness (if I had one), but either way doesn't look like
> much
> fun.
> 73,
> Mike
> WM4B

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