I haven't followed this "Awfully quiet today" - been hitting the delete
button, but noticed there was discussion about Echolink / ports 5198, 5199.
I have an Echo/IRLP node in Verizon territory, using DSL.  I fought their
Westell A90-xxx-xxx wireless / modem for awhile until I found it was easier
to turn it into a gateway (search the internet for one of the sources on how
to do it if it isn't obvious browsing through the menus) (and don't forget
to turn the wireless OFF when you do that), and then put a Linksys WRT54G
behind it - and set up the port forwarding in the traditional manner so
everything worked for IRLP, Echolink, and many other uses where ports needed
to be open.  The nodes are on the other end of a wireless wet11 and work
perfect.  You may not want to add the hardware, but I had it as spare.

Bill - W6CBS

On Apr 5, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Wesley Bazell wrote:

> Hi Nate
> Have you any experiance on Echolink, opening Ports 5198,5199 with 
> verizon.net? Have not been sucessful in doing this. I realize this 
> may be off Topic.
> Wesley AB8KD

Not Verizon specifically, they're (mostly) not a carrier for anything 
other than cellular and wireline IP for big business out here in 
Colorado. We're "Qwest country", for better or for worse... on 
residential service.

Haven't seen any complaints from the EchoIRLP mailing list on 
YahooGroups about Verizon specifically though... AFAIK they're not 
blocking anything, the router just has to be told what to route to 
whatever internal IP address you're using...

I could be wrong... might be worth asking on a more VoIP linking 
focused mailing list like that one, or whatever lists Echolink has 
going. (I don't know on that one... I only do EchoIRLP and use the 
Windows EchoLink client from time to time, or EchoMac...)

Nate Duehr, WY0X
n...@natetech. <mailto:nate%40natetech.com> com

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