At 02:27 PM 04/16/09, you wrote:
>I am also working toward a multiple receiver voted system and have a
>question. I was reading
>and wondering about how to implement a site suicide command where
>power is disconnected from the entire remote package requiring a
>trip to the site to bring it back to life. I definitely want some
>way to kill an entire package at a remote site.

The "suicide" command that I used was a relay that locked itself
on through it's own contacts.  The normally closed contacts
supplied AC power the equipment power strip in the cabinet.
When you functioned the suicide command, the relay pulled in,
locked itself shut, and the rack was dead.  A neon light was
wired across the relay coil and was visible from the front panel
to tell us why the rack was dead.

>Assume a remote receiver at a location that is extremely difficult
>to access in winter, and solar power so current drain needs to be
>kept as low as possible. Any suggestions on how to implement a
>suicide command for such a remote package? I can think of a couple
>ways to do it but usually someone here has better ideas than mine!

A two coil 12v mag latch relay?  One pushbutton for on, a second for off,
and the suicide command is in parallel with the off button?

Or maybe have the DTMF decoder operate a husky-contact relay
that drops a short across the DC power source and that pops the
master DC circuit breaker (a 12v breaker).  You could use a fuse,
but 12v breakers are available (one source is the mechanic at the
local community airstrip hangars - they frequently have an old fuselage
or two out back, and if you ask real nice you can scavenge a breaker
or two).

>Paul N1BUG


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