Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
> The lock-shut-through-its-own-contacts latching relay uses
> power as long as it is activated.
> As another gentleman pointed out, the magnetic latching
> relay only uses power when the coil is activated (i.e. a
> pulse to change the state of the relay).

I would want to use the magnetic latching type, since I see no sense 
in wasting solar power if the package is shut down.

> The 12v circuit breaker with the shunt trip coil sounds like the
> most feasible, and besides it's designed exactly for the job.

I'm researching that, as I wasn't aware of these devices. Sounds 
interesting. So far I haven't found a source of suitably rated 
units, but I haven't had much time to devote to it.

> dropping a dead short (even
> momentary) across the battery is not going to do it any good.

Good point.

> You could use an old IMTS horn honker decoder to trigger the trip coil.

Do you recall how much power they consume? I'm leaning toward the 
Selectone ST-809B for its negligible power consumption. My working 
theory is that (within reason) it's cheaper to spend money on low 
power consumption electronics than to buy more solar panels. :)

Paul N1BUG

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