After reading just a little of the opening paragraph below, .well..WHAT ?  

Interesting the comment here though, that an OFFICIAL CERTIFIED LETTER was
sent, and in the same breath, what if 'he' didn't know 'he' was aware of his
interference?  You know this is part of the problem. The whole thread this
past week, sounds like someone's power trip, the control, the I, ME, MINE,
mindset and yes it is ENTIRELY possible that someone was talking on the
output of a machine and never knew there was a machine.  If the person or
PERSONS who thought enough to have ( an OFFICIAL .never heard it called that
) a LETTER sent to this poor guy, why wouldn't a 23 cent postcard been sent
or heaven forbid a phone call been placed to see what the cut of this guy's
cloth was before turning him into an adversary?  Sounds to me like another
case of shoot first and. I dare say you don't have to worry about closing
the repeater on THAT guy.  He would have little or nothin' to say to you.
What a wonderful way to make new friends in ham radio.  -M


Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Closed Repeaters

Hi Group,

There was a comment about a ham operator who was using the output frequency
of a repeater for a conversation. As for as intential interference, is just
that it's intential interferring an frequency that is using for the repeater
output. We had a guy who come on a repeater during an simulated emergency
net with the national guard and from the outcome of that the guy who caused
the intential interference was sent an offical certified letter warning him
of the prohibit use of any repeater that uses the callsign stated in the
letter. My question would be, this person using the output frequency of the
repeater...was his aware of it? The new hams even in this area of the low
country of the tri-county including charleston, south carolina. Some of them
and some of the older hams who probly spent more time on the hf frequencies
needing guidence on using their 2m transceiver wasn't aware or made aware of
the difference between hf frequencies where they have their guidlines. On hf
there they are mostly sectioned out and prileges base on the license the ham
operator has. Around in the area on 2 meters i have found people in the
local area who think that the required 10 minute identification rule only
applies to certain areas which it does not state in part 97.119 a perticular
section of frequencies but entirely of the amateur radio spectrum. In my
speaking to the new hams and older who have used only hf not experienced in
2 meters don't know which frequency range is for what function. Like in the
south eastern repeater association has the popossed repeater outputs/inputs,
simplex, digital voice, ssb, cw and so forth but as i have learned this
knowledge have passed it upon those unknowing these facts. That's why i ask
whether or not the person talking on the output frequency of the repeater
was aware or unaware. From SERA guidline for repeaters and simplex
frequencies it allows an understanding so not to have adjacent simplex
conversations if a couple of hams wanted to have a long conversation not
interupting/interferring with another set of hams on an adjacent simplex
frequency and in the case of sera poposed simplex frequency list it gives 15
khz spacing between in bandwidth so the possibility of interference from an
adjancent frequency in active communications won't interfer with each other.
Education is the key and as our previous fcc enforcement officer riley
hollingsworth stated we need to light up. In lighting up the crowded bands
in 2 meters in this case is not jumping to a conclusion and that is why i am
asking questions. If the station interference is not accidental from not
knowing then we need not to jump down this person's neck but if it is
intential interference then action needs to be taken place so those who use
the repeater can continue their enjoyment of conversations. 73 for now.

Keith, N2OBS


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