Here is the way we do it in Arkansas. There are six districts and each use
different CTCSS tones. As far as the discussion of open and closed based on
tone, I hear from many older hams that toned repeaters are closed and
non-toned repeaters are open (must have been that way before my time no
doubt). Our local club repeater is open, some access to it requires tone,
and some doesn't. None of it is closed, but we do have the right and
exercise the right to limit access to those who follow the policies set
forth by the club. Always with the attitude to help and encourage all, with
much patience and understanding. If some nutcase just refuses too act right,
then it becomes closed to him. I am not trying to address the closed
repeater question at all, simply that OPEN repeaters may or may not be
toned, and even an open repeater may restrict certain users and still not
have a tone on their repeater.
John Godfrey

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Don Kupferschmidt
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Closed Repeaters


I've been watching this post for a number of days now. Seems that there are 
a lot of hams who have at lot of opinions to share.

I'm going to throw out a question to all:

Has anyone checked with in individual state coordinating associations about 
this matter when applying for or renewing their coordination?

I live in Southeastern Wisconsin, just north and west of Milwaukee. I could 
be wrong about this, but I seem to remember a PL frequency band plan by 
region in the state that is recommended by the Wisconsin Association of 
Repeaters, who is the coordination body for the state.

As there are many hams who are replying to this thread in the CONUS, has 
anyone checked to see if their individual coordination body has either 
recommended or mandated PL/DPL (or other regulated means) to keep a system 
that has been coordinated closed (or open)? Any guidelines that you wish to 
share with the group?

I'd be interested in hearing the results.


Don, KD9PT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Wagoner" <larrywagoner@ <>>
To: <Repeater-Builder@ <>>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Closed Repeaters

> At 04:10 PM 7/27/2009, you wrote:
>>On a likely non-related issue concerning open vs. closed: A non-
>>trivial number of the local believe that use of PL/DPL constitutes a
>>"closed" repeater.
> Cort,
> When were these people licensed - and WHO taught them?
> I teach the Tech class in my area - and the facts about tones are
> PART of the course (the way I teach it, anyway).
> I am often stunned by what LICENSED HAMS do NOT know about this
> hobby. Things they should have learned when getting their TECH license.
> Larry Wagoner - N5WLW
> ------------------------------------
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