The antenna is on the top of a small wooden storage building. 
A mast is placed up against the peak of the roof, and the 224
is on top of that.

The metal building that the repeater is in is my garage.  Very
plain, no air condx, AC power runs around the pearlings about
4' off the ground.

Gonna start looking at cables from the Quantar to the duplexer.
There was an issue with the RX cable - it is a mini-uhf that
connects into the RX casting.  The crimp of the braid was not
very well connected - I could rotate the entire cable around!
Some solder fixed the mechanical aspects of that.  Perhaps there
was something else.

more gray hair is being removed as we speak! haha


Tim W5FN

--- In, "larynl2" <lar...@...> wrote:
> I still think it may be something in the vicinity of the antenna.  What kind 
> of building is the antenna mounted on/above?  
> You've stated that the repeater is in a metal pole building that's 100ft. 
> away from the antenna.  It's been mentioned before in this thread, but that 
> could be a noise nightmare.  You'll need to get your antenna much farther 
> away or higher to get away from that noise if that's it.
> If you have a small beam that you can hand-hold, that might be interesting to 
> point around and see of there's changes in desense.
> Laryn K8TVZ

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