On Sep 2, 2009, at 3:16 PM, tahrens301 wrote:

> Don - I can put the iso-tee in line, & feed the atten port
> into the spectrum analyzer. It should show me if the xmtr
> is having problems. However, the current antenna is a
> perfect match - no reflected power at all, so I think the
> xmtr 'should' be happy.

Remember also... (just saying as a side-note, may not apply to THIS  
situation)... that a 50 ohm dummy load and hardline that doesn't  
radiate is also a "perfect match".  Sometimes you need to see if the  
antenna is REALLY radiating as it should be.  (And this is difficult,  
but do-able.)

If it looks like it doesn't perform as well as a similar or preferably  
the SAME antenna type at the SAME location, that's a great way to  
determine that there's "something wrong" and any such antenna is  
suspect from then on of horrible Passive IM mixes, or other site  

You mentioned swapping in a "ham quality" antenna.  It's a tempting  
troubleshooting technique, but if there are a bunch of transmitters on  
that site... don't leave it that way.  All those joints on those  
floppy hunks of junk will EVENTUALLY bite either you, or more likely,  
someone else in the butt with a mix, as the antenna gets old and loose  
RF joints become little diodes...

I'm still pretty sure you're fighting an external MIX of your own  
transmitter with "something"... in an active component of someone  
else's PA, in a rusty joint of that metal building, a loose/rusty bolt  
on the tower... and these things are a real PITA to find in a duplexed  
system, especially when you have "nice" gear like the DB antenna and  
good feedline and really WANT to assume everything's good, before you  
start ripping it apart, piece by piece... only to find that you've  
replaced EVERYTHING and the problem still exists.

I'm tellin' ya... repeaters that have problems like this, WILL make  
you crazy.  (This list is proof positive!  GRIN!)


Or as a good friend puts it, "Passive Intermod, the devil's snack food."

Nate Duehr, WY0X


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