--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "jmp46534" <w...@...> wrote:
> Thanks guys for all the answers and suggestions.
> I will try most of them, probably not the isolator until we can find one.
> The interconnecting cables for the duplexer are from Wacom and are a matched 
> set of RG214 that came with the 6 cans. I also have RG214 going from the cans 
> to radio and bandpass.
> The radio was tuned using a service monitor by the Ham that set up all of 
> equipment.  He owns multiple repeaters and does know what he is doing.
> It worked fine when it was on his tower. The only changes have been the coax 
> and antenna now that it is here on our tower.
> That is why I am thinking it must be in the antenna.
> Oh, I am using a Daiwa CN 801 wattmeter/swr meter with a RG214 cable.
> Off to try some of your ideas.
> Thanks and 73
> John, W3ML

Hello John.

I believe I read most of the replies to your post so forgive me if I am 
repeating this information.

If I were you, the first thing I would do is to remove the pre-amp. Then, put a 
GOOD dummy load on the output of the duplexer. Next have one of the helpers 
walk around with a handheld and go for a walk until they get noisy into the 
repeater. Next, monitor the local speaker audio and compare it with the repeat 
audio to see if they are the same. This allows you to determine if the antenna 
and feedline is working properly. If it works on the dummy load, you know that 
your problem is not internal to the repeater and duplexer. Then you're getting 
somewhere. The next thing you can try (this will make everybody groan) is to 
remove the duplexer "tee" harness and hook your antenna coax to the receive 
side of the duplexer and then hook a long jumper to the transmit side of the 
duplexer out to another temporary antenna such as someones mobile etc. for the 
TX and see if the repeater works without the noise. Of course the repeater 
range will be reduced but you will know if you are heading in the right 
direction. I think you will find that the antenna is where your problem lies. 
The G 7 can be a good (not great) repeater antenna in certain environments but 
it is somewhat of a mechanical nightmare with all of the joints etc. 

Best of luck.


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