> "Chuck Kelsey" <wb2...@...> wrote:
> FYI - Sinclair got the extra bandwidth by stager tuning 
> the antenna element from the 1/4-wave matching transformer 
> that is inside the element. The trade-off was a decrease 
> in return loss (higher VSWR).
> Chuck

Maybe... maybe not.  I swept one just a short time back and 
the return loss was about 15.6 dB, which makes it a very nice 
usable animal. 

I've also had one in parts and the matching coax length was 
what I would have expected. Somewhere in my notes I have all 
the construction information recorded like I did on the Decibel 

I've got a Decibel Loop at the old shop somewhere... if I can 
easily get it up high enough to throw a sweep on it I can 
report the results back. 

I'll have another HP Digital Sender (auto feed pdf scanner) on 
line within the month... then you'll have more information to 
chew over. 



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