A friend had a TE Systems amp. It nearly burned the building down.

Joe M.

 On Sat 19/12/09  9:44 PM , James Adkins adkins.ja...@gmail.com sent:
> Okay all, looking for opinions.
> Our club is going to purchase a 220 amplifier and a 440 amplifier for
> our repeaters.
> For 220, we're looking at either the TE Systems 2210RAN or the
> Henry C100B10R For UHF, it's either the TE Systems 4412RA or the
> Henry C100D30R.
> We have a Henry C300C30R in use for about 3-1/2 years now (running it
> at 250w output) on our 6-meter repeater and had to send it in about 13
> months into its life to have the finals replaced.  No problems since,
> though.  I was pleased with Henry's response to the problem.
>  Even though it was out of warranty, they fixed it under warranty. 
> Though the TE systems amplifiers have more output (150w vs 100w), I
> have concerns about their reliability.  The local D* repeater has
> had a lot of problems with their VHF amplifier, and it's not very
> clean (of course, that could be the fault of the D* repeater
> transmitter, too!). 
> What are your opinions, TE Systems vs Henry?  
> -- 
> James Adkins, KB0NHX
> Vice-President -- Nixa Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (KC0LUN)
> www.nixahams.net [1]
> Southern Missouri Assistant Frequency Coordinator - Missouri Repeater
> Council
> www.missourirepeater.org [2]
> The Nixa Amateur Radio Club - "There is no charge for awesomeness!"
> (Well, only $1.00 per month)
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://www.nixahams.net
> [2] http://www.missourirepeater.org
> [3]
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Repeater-Builder/join;_ylc=X3oDMTJldXE3cWRwBF
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