I have no experience with Henry.

I have had two TE UHF and one VHF amps.  I have only used them on SSB and
they do not have the repeater heat sinks. They are clean looking inside and
out.  They usually go into gain compression before reaching the max rated
input power level.  The output power usually drops a little as they heat up.
Output power is typically on the low side of spec.  Even on SSB they get
warm and need fan cooling.  My reliability has been good but I keep hearing
that you don't want to send them back to TE for repair but there is at least
one other person that will do repairs on them.

If you track how the output power changes with input power you can tell
where the TE AMP starts to go into gain compression and that is where I
would stop the drive power even though it will probably be less than the
rated input and even though you might see a few more watts of output power
if you keep increasing the drive it isn't worth the risk of blowing it up.

John Lock
kf0m at arrl.net


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