Michael H. Cox wrote:
> Sorry, that's what I meant.  Is that what this controller will do?
> Thanks,

Yes...I haven't been around one, but that's how it reads. Seems like a 
decent choice, no idea how it performs though.
You can get a used Com-spec TP3200 for about the same price, and it's a 
known good performer, but you will have to make up the interface to the 
repeater yourself, where the PSE looks like it just plugs in.
"Ya pays yer money, ya makes yer choices"...or something like that!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wd8chl <wd8...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 17:10:59 
> To: <Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Mastr II mods and parts
> Michael Cox wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 10:29 AM, wd8chl <wd8...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Michael Cox wrote:
>>>>> Controller - I recommend a NHRC model that plugs into the "Systems"
>>> board,
>>>>> or, one of the Pion & Simon models that plug into the card cage.
>>>>> http://www.nhrc.net/ge-stuff.php
>>>>> http://www.pionsimon.com/products.htm
>>>> It looks like I can use the NHRC-4/M2 to make it a linked repeater. If I
>>> go
>>>> with the Ham repeater, I'll most likely do that. That would require, if I
>>>> understand correctly, another radio connected in, so that will have to be
>>>> done later with future funds. :)
>>>> If I decide to make it a GMRS repeater, I won't have to worry about that
>>> and
>>>> will go with the PSE508-2, as its a little less expensive.
>>> For GMRS, I would go with the -3 version to get the extra tones. It
>>> gives you 4 "users". While they can't talk at the same time (obviously),
>>> a user with one tone won't hear the other users unless he takes his mic
>>> "off-hook", putting the rx in carrier squelch. (and in commercial
>>> service, it is required for users to not interfere with other users on a
>>> 'shared' frequency (GMRS is ALWAYS shared with others). This is most
>>> easily accomplished by putting the rx in carrier squelch when the mic is
>>> taken off the clip to talk. The user then knows not to talk if someone
>>> else is already talking.
>>> Anyway, you can have 4 different groups of people with the -3 version.
>>> Not bad.
>> So, to make sure I understand correctly, I can program the repeater to use
>> the same frequency but with 4 different PL tones with this Duplexer?
> Duplexer? Nope, didn't say anything about a duplexer. You mentioned 
> using the PSE508-2 controller (which does one tone), and I suggested 
> using the -3 version instead to get the 4 tones.

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