Ralph (and others)

So is the IDA equipped version the controller?  If not, what does it mean
that I have the IDA equiped version?  Does that mean I need, for example, a
different duplexer?

Thanks for your help everyone.  I appreciate it.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Ralph Hogan <rhog...@comcast.net> wrote:

> In the link to the unit he bought off ebay, in the photo the GE Mastr II
> was
> the IDA equipped version.
> Doesn't have a card rack to plug the PSE into. Of course you could wire it
> in, but not as convenient as having the original style card rack where you
> just plug it in.
> Ralph W4XE
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Duplexer? Nope, didn't say anything about a duplexer. You mentioned
> using the PSE508-2 controller (which does one tone), and I suggested
> using the -3 version instead to get the 4 tones.

Michael H. Cox

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