On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Nate Duehr wrote:
> It's well-implemented, and as one local pointed out... it behaves like 
> I expect a commercial radio system to... he was comparing to D-STAR 
> where you *have* to fidget and mess with callsigns, etc... to really 
> utilize all the features... in TRBO, he switches the rig to "Channel 
> 1" to talk locally, and "Channel 2" to talk to a pre-defined group of 
> IP-linked repeaters... obviously, this is dirt-simple, and keeps the 
> complexity for the user away, and places the complexity choices on the 
> system operator/administrator.  Not as "flexible" by any means, but 
> sometimes you're just looking for it to "just work".

Don't forget that a public safety radio system and a Japanese ham 
protocol are two different things. The Japanese language is ideological, 
English is something else. We don't think the same, or implement things 
the same ways. 

That being said, if you've ever needed or wanted "just work", you know 
how important that is. It's probably what's been lacking in almost every 
ARES plan. 

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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