On Mar 13, 2010, at 1:35 AM, Kris Kirby wrote:

> Don't forget that a public safety radio system and a Japanese ham 
> protocol are two different things. The Japanese language is ideological, 
> English is something else. We don't think the same, or implement things 
> the same ways. 

That's one of the mildly interesting things about TRBO, it's not a Public 
Safety system.  It's commercial, but rarely used in Public Safety... 

Perhaps what you're saying (paraphrased here) is "MotoTRBO is D-STAR done by 

LOL... that'll get me in trouble, I'm sure.

> That being said, if you've ever needed or wanted "just work", you know 
> how important that is. It's probably what's been lacking in almost every 
> ARES plan. 

I ain't touchin' that comment with a ten foot pole.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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