Thing is, the new stuff is pretty much disposable and not meant for the 20 year 
lifespan of the Motrac or Micor era. Compare a top end radio like an 
XTL5000, to 
a simple 4-freq PL Micor. Price tags are pretty close until you factor in 

From: MCH <>
Sent: Fri, August 27, 2010 2:53:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Seeking emergency system design help

Interesting. A competing dealer is telling everyone they have to be 
using digital by 2013. Yes, of course it's a lie, but they no doubt make 
more on digital systems than they do analog.

On the larger scope, I can't wait to hear the uproar when/if the FCC 
tells everyone who just purchased new SNFM equipment that they have to 
buy new equipment AGAIN.

Joe M.

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