On 8/27/2010 8:18 PM, wb6dgn wrote:
> If you reduce the modulation without reducing the receiver bandwidth, then, 
> yes, the range will be reduced.  You have reduced the signal without also 
> reducing the noise.  However, if you reduce the modulation and, at the same 
> time, reduce the receiver bandwidth and audio recovery, by a like amount, 
> then I do not see how the signal:noise ratio, and therefore range, would 
> change appreciably.
Relationships aren't linear, or you'd be right. Reducing the modulation 
index and simultaneously reducing the receiver bandwidth from 5 to 2.5 
kHz results in a situation which requires ~6 db more signal level for 
the same demodulated quality (ex. 12db SINAD)

Matthew Kaufman

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