On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:17:10 +0000
Fil Lupin via Replicant <replicant@osuosl.org> wrote:

> Thank you for taking time for this answer Denis !
> I found
> https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/BackupTheDataPartition
> with and instructions to backup data and loaded it a few days ago
> when my phone crashed (lucky me) ^^  It's very useful ! By the way,
> wiki is again online :)
> For information, I installed last Replicant 4.2 by building it myself
> a few years ago, so I would say Replicant 4.2 version 0004. I do not
> remember if there is a file giving the installed version accessible
> in CLI (I think we discuss this a few years ago bu I do not remember
> if it exists).
If you have another Galaxy SIII, You could try to backup the BOOT,
RECOVERY, SYSTEM, USERDATA and restore them to a second Galaxy
SIII (wiping the cache along the way).

Once that is done you could more easily try things with less fear of
loosing access to the data.

You could then try to copy the backuped BOOT partition somewhere and
patch it to add root at boot in all the situations.

This could also help you access the logs (with adb logcat -b main for
instance) to diagnose what is going on, and try fixes.

For instance you could try to remove the problematic application.


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