I'll try to write some docs yes.
Waiting for that moment, note that data is not the only part to backup, /sdcard 
should also be before reinstalling since some app save user data inside.

- Fil Lupin.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Wednesday, September 1st, 2021 at 10:02 PM, Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 
<gnu...@cyberdimension.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:31:47 +0000
> Fil Lupin via Replicant replicant@osuosl.org wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hi,
> > after reading the docs, especially NIST and Samsung, I realized that
> >
> > encryption follows the same standard described so it should be seen
> >
> > the same way other phone are seen. I tried again to decrypt the phone
> >
> > and it works!
> >
> > I'll look at the few apps I installed before the crash to identify if
> >
> > one of them causes the crash.
> >
> > Thank you again for the docs links,
> Thanks a lot for all these infos on how to do it and for reporting the
> fact that it works!!!
> It's super important as before we didn't know if it was even possible
> for users with the password to actually recover their data if they
> encrypted it, we only hoped / supposed that it was possible.
> For instance I personally didn't use encryption and even advocated
> against it in this case precisely because of that issue as I was worried
> that users (me included) could end up in situations where we would
> completely loose access to our data.
> Even without encryption I sometime had to recover data because I
> messed up with system application signing keys, and it took me quite
> some time to get familiar with the Android security model (hopefully I
> wrote some wiki articles about it along the way).
> So we know know it's at least possible to recover, and we know a way
> that could work, as it worked for you, though it seems to still be quite
> technical and not that reliable (as you had to try twice).
> With Replicant >= 11 we need to switch encryption to something way more
> standard that works with cryptsetup and if possible udisks2 too to avoid
> all this mess.
> In any case I also think that It would be super useful if someone (you
> or someone else reading this mail) would create a wiki article with at
> least a pointer to this thread or some information on how to recover
> that data if time permits that.
> Thanks again for the report about it and trying ways to recover your
> data.
> Denis.
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