On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:32:07 +0100 J05HYYY via Replicant wrote:

> But for 'casual use', I see little point in signing the images.

I am not familiar with Replicant's signing process and signature usage
afterwards, so I will just share my thoughts about that.

What I know about signing in general (e.g. in the context of email
messages) it does 2 things:

1. It is a proof of origin
2. It is a proof of integrity

A checksum can proof only integrity. Additionally, malware's checksum
can still be correct. Signed malware is still possible but should be
much more difficult to achieve because an attacker would either need to
get access to the primary key or use an exploit in the cryptographic

I understand your goal is anonymity. However, if signatures for
Replicant work like signatures for documents, then not having a
signature makes your final result prone to undetectable changes. If
signatures are used only for distrubution, then one signature file
along with the whole image is enough. What I notice though is that the
build script signs many files. To my mind, this means those separate
signatures are meant to be verified later (e.g. while the OS is
running) which may be a mechanism for making sure the system runs only
software it trusts and that software has not been modified (e.g. by

Along these lines, if Replicant's official build which one downloads
from the website has all those multiple signatures and one modifies
part of the software (e.g. builds a boot.img) which either have
different signatures or (as you suggest) have no signatures at all, it
is possible that "the checker" part of Replicant OS may detect that and
stop working properly because the integrity will be broken. That's why
I wonder if building just the boot.img may result in such situation
(especially considering that I will be modifying selinux - a critical
part of the security system).

So, if I am right in my speculations above, not having those build time
signatures (for the sake of anonymity) reduces the security of the
final product, regardless if it is just for personal use or for
distribution. Then it is better to fill in some non-personally
identifying info when creating the signature, rather than not have a
signature at all. Again - this is my speculation which I cannot proof
because I am not an expert.

I still hope someone who is versed in the process in the context of
Replicant building to clarify all this.
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