On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 22:34:54 +0100 J05HYYY via Replicant wrote:

> However, if the bootloader is unlocked [...]

Is it? How do I know?

> Furthermore, you can flash an unsigned boot.img if the system.img is
> signed (I have just tried this and it boots ok)

Thanks for the info. But is it correct and secure to do that?

Also, is the original boot.img (or any of its parts) signed somehow? I
am careful not to do something wrong and reduce the security of the
system. I wonder if simply running a diff between the unpacked original
boot.img and the unpacked compiled one would be meaningful to check
that. IOW, are the builds supposed to binary identical in their
non-signed parts?

The documentation also says nothing about which particular files to
flash to the device. My result when building the whole OS was similar to
the one shown at the end of

However, it is not clear:

What are signed-target_files-i9300.zip and signed-img-i9300.zip? Should
one flash those or the other ones (which have names like the ones we
download from the website)? If the signed-* files are to be flashed -
why? If not - what is their role? There is a significant difference in
their sizes, compared to replicant-* files. It is very confusing there
is no documentation about that.

I hope you can shed some light on these matters.
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