On 2022-02-20 04:30, Richard Stallman wrote:
We are the free software movement.

False. You are *a part of* the free software movement, but nowhere near all of it, and whether you're currently a major part of it (or ever were) is debatable.

We demand that web sites respect
the freedom of their ueers,

False. You demand that web sites respect the freedom of *some of* their users (basically ones who can easily and comfortably read print by sight), but you're entirely comfortable with them throwing all others under the bus.

and act in ways that encourage freedom and

False. You dont act in a way that encourages freedom to *access and use* web sites at all, without which all other freedoms are pointless.

free software.  Our repo criteria reflect our views.

Only true if by "our views" you mean the ones you demonstrate you hold, not the ones you disingenuously claim to.

When a repo
works against users' freedom, we give it a bad rating.

False. Yours does work against users' freedom, because what you call "freedom" is actually a gated community, free to those you let in and to them only. So giving it a high rating is just a self-serving lie.

It is no coincidence that our forge merits a pretty high rating.

Only true because you're using using self-serving ad-hoc criteria *designed to make it look good*.

It is because we practice what we preach.

Only true because you both preach and practice disingenuousness and bareface lying.

Those are our priorities.  Do you have different priorities?  I think

Finally, after four outright false statements and two that are partially true with qualifications, comes one that's true without qualifications. My priorities are:

- not lying
- not being disingenuous
- wanting everyone to have the freedom to *use* web sites
- calling others on their ableist bullshit.

Yours, as I explained above, are nothing of the kind. Just about opposite ones, in fact.

I believe you are sincere about your priorities -- please
recognize that we are sincere about ours.

If you are indeed sincere about yours (a claim I have no way to evaluate since I don't know any of the people you refer to as "we", beyond the public image of yourself (singular) you try to project), then you are sincere (or should that be "smug"?) about being disingenuous, self-serving, ableist liars. If *that* is what you want to be sincere about, you should own to it and acknowledge it publicly instead of making grandiose, empty claims to the moral high ground.

English: he/him/his (singular they/them/their/theirs OK)
French: il/le/lui (iel/iel and ielle/ielle OK)
Tagalog: siya/niya/kaniya (please avoid sila/nila/kanila)

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