On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 19:46:45 -0400 Richard wrote:
> I don't see a need to
> give a site a bad mark for referring to Google Analytics or anything
> else that doesn't stop the site from functioning with LibreJS.

this is a different concern - for a site to fail the proposed A+0, it would
implicitly "stop the site from functioning with LibreJS" - in the case of
gitlab.com, it would stop the site from functioning for anyone, any computer,
any web browser, whether or not the website used any scripts - the proposal is
the privacy analog to C0:

> All important site functionality that's enabled for use with that package
> works correctly (though it need not look as nice) in free browsers, including
> IceCat, without running any nonfree software sent by the site. (C0)

i will re-state the proposed A+0 more precisely:

> All important site functionality per criteria (C0) works correctly,
> without contacting any third-party service(s) delegated by the site. (A+0)

the criteria is not related to scripts - it is a privacy concern, on par
with the "no logging" criteria - in fact, the "no logging" criteria (A+1) is
meaningless without this proposed criteria; because in practice, every request
to the website cascades hundreds of requests to third-parties who are not
subject to any of these criteria

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