On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 11:15:40PM +0000, Ceri Davies wrote:
> It occurs to me that I've been reviewing patches posted here where it
> might not actually be welcome.  Tell me to shut up if necessary,
> although I'm concerned that this review should happen and preferably in
> good time after a submission is posted (rather than after the
> potentially long wait for a sponsor to come forward).

So the message that I'm getting is that reviews are not welcome here.
That's cool with me, it's why I asked.

However, allow me doomsay a little based on how I believe human nature
works.  I'm doing this so that we can hopefully throw ideas around about
how to "fix" this, since CfF and the Awards are only going to exacerbate

Suppose Participant Alice snags bug 3, by sending a request to
request-sponsor saying that they are going to fix it.  They eventually
send a patch of poor quality; nobody reviews it.  In the meantime,
Participant Bob is also interested in bug 3, better placed to fix and
has a patch of good quality.  Since Alice got there first, bug 3 will
now not get fixed until someone steps forward to sponsor her which,
since they know the patch is poor, they will be less inclined to do.

This means that while the bug could get fixed quickly and easily by
using Bob's patch, in reality it won't get fixed for a long time, even
if it's very simple.

What I'm trying to achieve is to, at the very least, get Alice up to
a point where somebody might be interested in at least working with her
on getting a correct patch out so that a potential sponsor (who, let's
face it, have real jobs to do too) can be bothered to choose that bug to
work on.

Does anyone else agree that this might be a problem, and are they able
to see a way out?

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                                  -- Moliere
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