I had similar flakiness with a VXA drive and various 3rd-party scsi
cards (Adaptec 29160 and Orange Micro 930U), but it worked fine with
built-in scsi. Ecrix wasn't particularly helpful in diagnosing this
problem. (In fact they suggested I try a 2930, so it's interesting that
you had the same thing happen with their recommended card).

Greg Morin wrote:
> Ok, solved one problem, now I've got another. I'm 99% sure the
> problem is with our Adaptec 2930U card that our VXA drive is attached
> to and _not_ the VXA drive. The problem is that now I'm getting
> miscompares on certain files. The weird thing is that it is the same
> files every night. The files themselves are fine on the client
> computer (i.e. no damage, they work just fine). I realize you can get
> miscompares when a file is in use or has changed since the backup...
> but these are "not in use" documents on shutdown down systems
> (waiting for backup of course :-). If the file is modified, the next
> backup will sometimes get it backed up, sometimes not. I'm afraid to
> do a new backup, at this rate I'll have thousands of files
> miscomparing.
> Before I put the VXA drive on this card it ran off the motherboard
> SCSI and although slow on that, it never gave me these miscompares.
> Also, we've been using a DDS-2 drive for over 2 years with no history
> of miscompares... so it's not a general network problem (happens on
> backup of local drives also).
> I highly suspect the 2930 card because I discovered that when I have
> any hard drive attached to the card externally that any application
> on that drive will not launch w/o giving some random error (Type 1,
> 2, 90 something, or a dialog saying the app is damaged). I can move
> the same drive to the motherboard SCSI bus and all is well... so the
> files are not really damaged. I played around with every possible
> configuration of termination and Adaptec settings, nothing works
> (this was all done with the VXA drive detatched to ensure it was not
> the source of the problem... ).
> I've written to Adaptec but haven't heard anything back yet. Anybody
> else run into a similar problem before? Do I just have a bad card? Do
> I need to start playing the PCI port roulette game (i.e. moving it
> from port to port until one of them works)? I vaguely remember
> something about the port mattering on these 6 port machines...
> something about a bridge chip and the video board?? (This is a Power
> Tower Pro 225)
> Any and all advice/comments would be welcome,
> -Greg Morin
> --
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top of the world,

Luke Jaeger, Technology Coordinator
Disney Magazine Publishing
Northampton, Massachusetts

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