On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 12:09 -0600, Remi Broemeling wrote:
> Hi, Erik.  I'd like to know when you have the development underway and 
> can use a hand as well.  I'd like to help, and if I might add a feature 
> request; I'd personally like to see a strong separation between the data 
> and I/O portions of revelation and the GUI front-end... then I could 
> make a console front-end while utilizing the same data backend (and not 
> have it pull in any Gnome/X11 dependencies).

Yep - the reason why it doesn't work right now is that we are using a
gtk.TreeStore subclass to store the accounts, and importing gtk requires
there to be a DISPLAY set. But this seems to have been fixed in pygtk
2.10 (which Revelation 0.5.0 will depend on in any case), so it should
be a non-issue.

> Please let me know when you've got an initial start in place and need 
> some help!

Will do, thanks! I've only just started on the basic interface, and
progress might be slow as I don't have alot of spare time for hacking,
and I'm trying to do it "right" this time with writing unit tests etc
for everything.

> Thanks.
> Erik Grinaker wrote:
> > On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 18:35 -0400, Louis-Dominique Dubeau wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 12:48 +0700, Erik Grinaker wrote:
> >>> Not currently, no - it's on the todo-list, but I haven't had much time
> >>> to work on Revelation for the last couple of years, and it doesn't seem
> >>> likely to change anytime soon :(
> >> First of all, thanks for the work on revelation.  I had my own
> >> home-grown password management system but it was a pain in the ass to
> >> manage and because it was a pain in the ass, I did not use it well.
> >> I've recently converted all my entries to revelation.  Because it is
> >> much nicer to use than my own system, I'm much better at managing my
> >> passwords well now.
> >>
> >> I'm a bit concerned about the development of revelation however.  There
> >> are features I'd like to see but if development is at a stall, the wait
> >> may be long. 
> > 
> > Yeah, I haven't done much work on Revelation lately, as I've spent the
> > last 3 years living and travelling in various places in Asia and had
> > better things to do :) But I have some newfound motivation, and have
> > started a rewrite for version 0.5.0, maybe it'll be out within the year.
> > 
> > 
> >> The features I'd like to see are:
> >>
> >> - The capability to sort entries within folders.
> > 
> > In version 0.5.0, there won't be any folders - accounts will be
> > organized by tags and accessed by searching.
> > 
> > 
> >> - An additional field for sensitive information.  This field would be
> >> treated as a secret just like the password field is a secret.  The
> >> primary use I would have for that field would be to record the phrases
> >> from which I sometimes build password.  For instance, I can use:
> >>
> >> yesterday, I ate all the cookies in the jar
> >>
> >> To make up the password:
> >>
> >> yIaatcitj
> >>
> >> But the thing is that I want to record *both* the phrase and the
> >> password.  Right now, there is no field that can serve that function
> >> well.
> > 
> > In version 0.5.0, you will be able to create or modify account types,
> > and add arbitrary fields to accounts.
> > 
> > 
> >> It would be possible for me to contribute code but my time is also
> >> limited so being able to streamline communication channels is important.
> >> What would be the best way for me to get that kind of functionality into
> >> revelation?
> > 
> > I'm not sure if there's anything you can do right now, as I've just
> > started a rewrite. Once I get the basics in place, it should be easier
> > to join in on the development - I'll let you know.
Erik Grinaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of
life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be
enthusiastic about."
                                                 -- Albert Einstein

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