Hi Cathy,

This is against the main MySQL database? If so, it might be because of the
mixed installs (production servers are meant to run off of a Review Board
site directory, which must be consistent in settings across all servers
using the DB, and installed packages rather than development trees).

For Review Board development, you really do want to use SQLite and the
built-in development server. I know you're trying to keep things the same
as the production server, but it's not designed to be run against two very
different sorts of installs.


Christian Hammond
President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Cathy Mullican <cmulli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, I got through the first few errors (updated some symlinks and
> permissions), but it's still giving me a 500 when I try to load the site.
> Nothing in the RB log file except " - INFO -  - Reloading logging
> settings"; nothing in the apache error or access logs, either., Not sure
> where to go from here.
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Cathy Mullican <cmulli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Woot; that got me fun new errors in the RB error log that I may actually
>> be able to do something about, but probably not until late today or
>> tomorrow (meetings....). But the install and upgrade processes succeeded
>> this time. Progress!
>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Christian Hammond <
>> christ...@beanbaginc.com> wrote:
>>> For the mysql_config issue, what you'll need is the development package
>>> for MySQL.
>>> Try:
>>>     apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb
>>> This will install all dependencies needed to build that package: Python
>>> development headers, MySQL development headers, etc.
>>> Then the pip install should work.
>>> Christian
>>> --
>>> Christian Hammond
>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Cathy Mullican <cmulli...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> As I said, I followed the directions to set up a virtual environment:
>>>> pip install virtualenv
>>>> virtualenv ~/envs/rb_krb
>>>> source ~/envs/rb_krb/bin/activate
>>>> install any missing dependencies (just gettext, IIRC, but it's been a
>>>> few days now, and I don't see it in my command history)
>>>> git clone git://github.com/djblets/djblets.git
>>>> cd djblets
>>>> python setup.py develop
>>>> pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
>>>> git clone git://github.com/reviewboard/reviewboard.git
>>>> cd reviewboard
>>>> python setup.py develop
>>>> python ./contrib/internal/prepare-dev.py
>>>> git clone git://github.com/reviewboard/rbtools.git
>>>> python setup.py develop
>>>> python setup.py install
>>>> After making the change I'm trying to test, I tried to upgrade RB from
>>>> within the rb_krb environment with
>>>> easy_install -U ReviewBoard
>>>> which did not give an error, then tried to upgrade the existing site
>>>> with
>>>>  /root/envs/rb_krb/bin/rb-site upgrade /var/www/rb.revshare.int
>>>> and saw the error for the first time.  I then, after googling, ran
>>>> pip install mysql-python
>>>> within the virtual environment
>>>> but it fails with
>>>>  EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
>>>> There does not, in fact, seem to be a mysql_config file anywhere on the
>>>> system, but the site is working with mysql just fine before I started
>>>> trying to dive into the code. :)
>>>> I also tried
>>>> apt-get install python-mysqldb
>>>> which tells me python-mysqldb is already the newest version.
>>>> While I would like this to be a production system, unless I can get the
>>>> repo added, it's useless, so it's functionally a test / dev system for now.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Christian Hammond <
>>>> christ...@beanbaginc.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>> Can you show me how you tried installing the package, and how the dev
>>>>> environment is set up?
>>>>> As for the site and DB, Review Board expects to know where on the file
>>>>> system its associated site lives (in order to access local data, media
>>>>> files, logs, configuration, etc.), and if you set up a second site in a
>>>>> different environment but with the same exact DB, Review Board will go
>>>>> "Huh, I've been moved" and try to update some settings. This will break
>>>>> your production install in ways.
>>>>> That, along with annoyances around the MySQL Python module, are
>>>>> why I'd recommend a separate SQLite setup.
>>>>> Christian
>>>>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2016, Cathy Mullican <cmulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, I was hoping to have one site with one DB, and just test the
>>>>>> modified code with my existing RB site, which is configured with mysql, 
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> I can try again tomorrow with a second site.
>>>>>> I tried installing the python-mysql module from within the dev
>>>>>> environment, but I still get the same error.  Getting kind of frustrated
>>>>>> with this, though the payoff if I can get it working will be nice.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Christian Hammond <
>>>>>> christ...@beanbaginc.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>> Sounds like the dev environment doesn't have the appropriate module
>>>>>>> for it.
>>>>>>> I'd suggest, rather than trying to use MySQL with your current
>>>>>>> database, that you set up a completely separate SQLite-based database to
>>>>>>> test with. Having two different environments that point to the same
>>>>>>> database will cause problems, and may break your main server.
>>>>>>> SQLite support is built-in, and while it's not at all recommended
>>>>>>> for production use, you'll have a better time with it for development.
>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Cathy Mullican <cmulli...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I followed the directions at
>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/docs/codebase/dev/getting-started/ to
>>>>>>>> set up a dev environment.  I made a change based on some info from
>>>>>>>> #subvertpy, though I'm not particularly confident in it, but I'd like 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> test it.  I tried to use the upgrade directions to upgrade my current 
>>>>>>>> site,
>>>>>>>> since it's basically a test site at this point anyway. The first step
>>>>>>>> (easy_install -U) seemed to work, but when I tried to upgrade the site 
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> rb_site upgrade (using the rb_site from my dev tree), it fails; the 
>>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>> chain of errors ends with
>>>>>>>> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb
>>>>>>>> module: No module named MySQLdb
>>>>>>>> Now, it was working with MySQL just fine previously, so I'm not
>>>>>>>> quite sure what's wrong here.  I've tried a couple of solutions found
>>>>>>>> online, but no luck so far.
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 2:01:00 PM UTC-7, Cathy Mullican
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> It wasn't entirely clear to me from the documentation which
>>>>>>>>> library was preferred, and neither seems to have a terribly active 
>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>> community.  I've switched to subvertpy for the moment, but switching 
>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>> is easily done if it doesn't work out.
>>>>>>>>> https://pythonhosted.org/python-gssapi/examples.html#real-world-use
>>>>>>>>> is one of the more useful-seeming resources I've been pointed at, but 
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> can't quite see where that logic needs to happen.
>>>>>>>>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/kerberos is seriously lacking in
>>>>>>>>> documentation; I can't tell if it's useful or not.
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 1:40:32 PM UTC-7, Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>> SubvertPy support was added as an alternative to PySVN, given how
>>>>>>>>>> difficult PySVN is to install. However, we've found it to be more 
>>>>>>>>>> buggy in
>>>>>>>>>> other ways (many random problems have been solved by moving from 
>>>>>>>>>> SubvertPy
>>>>>>>>>> to PySVN). That said, if it works for you, and there's any ability 
>>>>>>>>>> to do
>>>>>>>>>> PyKerberos integration, great! :)
>>>>>>>>>> I admit I have very little knowledge of how Kerberos and SVN work
>>>>>>>>>> together (or really much at all involving Kerberos). If I knew more, 
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> might be able to recommend a course of action.
>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Asking around my network got a few potentially-useful resources,
>>>>>>>>>>> but at this point, I think the change actually needs to happen in 
>>>>>>>>>>> the SVN
>>>>>>>>>>> library.
>>>>>>>>>>> Since the person who wrote SubvertPy also wrote PyKerberos, I
>>>>>>>>>>> wonder if it might work better than PySVN, and I'm not actually 
>>>>>>>>>>> sure why I
>>>>>>>>>>> had it using PySVN instead of SubvertPy anyway,  but I'm finding the
>>>>>>>>>>> SubvertPy documentation pretty opaque so far. Maybe someone in the
>>>>>>>>>>> subvertpy IRC channel can help...
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 10:49:19 AM UTC-7, Cathy Mullican
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sadly, I don't think anyone here has the necessary expertise --
>>>>>>>>>>>> my primary language is Perl, not Python, and I'm pretty new to
>>>>>>>>>>>> kerberos/AD/LDAP, too -- but I'll ask around my network and see if 
>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone I
>>>>>>>>>>>> know might be up for it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 4:00:00 PM UTC-7, Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would you or someone on your end who has a familiarity with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Python and Kerberos be willing to work with us on adding support? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Review
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board is open source, and I'd be willing to take a patch and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> assist with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any work toward it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, Cathy Mullican <cmul...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like RB isn't using (doesn't support?) kerberos
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication, and that seems to be necessary for the set up we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sadly, this may mean we can't use RB at this time. :(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 5:22:17 PM UTC-7, Cathy Mullican
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since it is working on the command line at this point, my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money would be on #2 rather than #1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://serverfault.com/questions/183231/how-to-configure-review-board-running-under-linux-to-use-a-ldap-user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the most relevant-seeming info I've found so far, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enough has changed in the 5+ years since it was posted that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applying the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> info there is not entirely straightforward. (Recreating a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .subversion/auth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tree is relatively straightforward; figuring out the LDAP auth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration, less so.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 4:44:57 PM UTC-7, Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Okay. So it's probably one of two things:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Something is still messed up somewhere with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recompilation. I don't know what, and can't really debug that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) The standard way of authenticating that we do doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support your setup.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It could easily be #2. We must be able to authenticate to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Subversion server using a username and password (or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anonymously). If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is going through some alternative method for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication, then it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> may require additional support in Review Board.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The server is VisualSVN (paid edition), with Windows AD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication.  The server where RB is running is joined to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the domain,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I can authenticate from the command line. Most users 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TortoiseSVN on their Windows systems; I also have one other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu box
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configured so that i can join the domain, authenticate with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kinit, and run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> svn from the command line.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 3:43:19 PM UTC-7, Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Progress is good! I think I'll need more info on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup at this point though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you tell me more about how authentication works on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your Subversion setup? From the client's end, is it a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username/password, or is more involved?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What does the server setup look like?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The error message shown there ("Error running context: An
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error occurred during authentication") is coming from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subversion itself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, it definitely works better when you don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accidentally skip a step!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can now successfully do svn info from the command
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line, but I still can't create the repo in RB. The error 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message in the log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is now:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-27 17:00:00,253 - ERROR -  - SVN: Failed to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository information for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://az-fs1.revshare.int/svn/rad: Unable to connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a repository at URL '
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://az-fs1.revshare.int/svn/rad'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error running context: An error occurred during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No more ra_serf error, so that's progress, at least! But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also nothing very informative, at least to my eye.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 9:45:50 AM UTC-7, Cathy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mullican wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apt-get source python-svn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then started trying to follow the directions in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INSTALL.html, but they didn't work at all...although 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lookin gback now, some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of that may have been because it was Friday afternoon and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I missed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something; I'm trying again now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 5:44:51 PM UTC-7, Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How are you trying to build from source? It is a bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a pain to do from the upstream source, but perhaps you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can rebuild the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deb.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The stock libserf in Ubuntu 14.04 lacks GSSAPI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support, which is why I have to build that from source.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/serf/+bug/1303167
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- why they never released a fixed version, when the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patch is right there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the ticket, I can't say.) Everything except libserf 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is stock.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trying to reinstall pysvn with apt tells me it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already up to date; trying to build from source is...not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working well, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's probably going off into the weeds.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 4:06:12 PM UTC-7,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This might be an incompatibility between libsvn and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pysvn. You may need to now recompile pysvn and replace 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the copies on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filesystem. That or go back to purely system libs for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> svn, libsvn, pysvn,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serf, etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same error with the repository root path -- I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually started with that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I enabled logging, and now have this error message:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-06-24 20:29:24,091 - ERROR -  - SVN: Failed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get repository information for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://az-fs1.revshare.int/svn/rad: ra_serf was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compiled for serf 1.3.8 but loaded an incompatible 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 32676.1946284232.32676
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which I thought told me what I needed; Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14.0.4 ships with serf 1.3.3 -- but I've upgraded to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.3.8 (built from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source, confirmed GSSAPI support included), and I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still getting the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can successfully run svn info on the commend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line; the Ubuntu box is joined to the AD domain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 1:04:19 PM UTC-7,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may need to enable logging in Admin UI ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Logging Settings.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the SVN repository path, you'll need to point
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it to the root of the SVN repository, rather than a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subdirectory within it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Basically, the "Repository Root" value from "svn 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> info".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See if that fixes it. If not, I'll help with some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> additional commands you can try on the server to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better diagnose this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One last thing: Make sure to enter your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> credentials in the Username/Password fields again 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once you've hit an error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like this. The browser has a nasty tendency to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> overwrite the values you've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided with what's in the password manager. We've 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worked around this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> several times in the past, but some browsers (ahem, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chrome) have been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working tirelessly to override what webapp developers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want in this regard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Cathy Mullican <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HPUcudJKt-Y/V22OjqvsWXI/AAAAAAAABKg/6upZE0bJH6QZYheLe24Ub-JCdaUM5gCDwCLcB/s1600/rb_error.PNG>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There's not much to show -- see the attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> screenshot. That is the correct URL, as shown by svn 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> info, and googling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tells me that's the message I'd see with an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are no files in /var/www/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rb.revshare.int/logs/ ; is there another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> location I should be checking?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've used RB before, but this is the first time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've set it up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HPUcudJKt-Y/V22OjqvsWXI/AAAAAAAABKg/6upZE0bJH6QZYheLe24Ub-JCdaUM5gCDwCLcB/s1600/rb_error.PNG>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 1:23:24 AM UTC-7,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cathy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you show me what errors you're seeing, along
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the configuration set for the repository? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, is there anything in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Review Board log files?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Cathy Mullican
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cmul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have RB set up and working on Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14.04, with AD authentication -- I can log in to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RB as admin or as my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now I'm trying to add a repo.  Our SVN repo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runs under VisualSVN (Pro), with AD 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication.  I can set up the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server to join the group, and run svn info from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the command line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> successfully, but I get errors trying to create 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the repo. Not really sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where to go with it from here; any suggestions?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reviewboard...@googlegroups.com.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For more options, visit
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RBCommons: https://rbcommons.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>>>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons:
>>>>>>>> https://rbcommons.com/
>>>>>>>> Happy user? Let us know! https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>> --
>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
>>>> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons:
>>>> https://rbcommons.com/
>>>> Happy user? Let us know! https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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>>> --
>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
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> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack:
> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
> Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons:
> https://rbcommons.com/
> Happy user? Let us know! https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
Want us to host Review Board for you? Check out RBCommons: 
Happy user? Let us know! https://www.reviewboard.org/users/
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