Github user cloud-fan commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/CatalystQl.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst
    +import java.sql.Date
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.CurrentOrigin
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
    +import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval
    +import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
    + * This class translates a HQL String to a Catalyst [[LogicalPlan]] or 
    + */
    +private[sql] class CatalystQl(val conf: ParserConf = SimpleParserConf()) {
    +  object Token {
    +    def unapply(node: ASTNode): Some[(String, List[ASTNode])] = {
    +      CurrentOrigin.setPosition(node.line, node.positionInLine)
    +      node.pattern
    +    }
    +  }
    +  // TODO improve the parse error - so we don't need this anymore.
    +  val errorRegEx = "line (\\d+):(\\d+) (.*)".r
    +  /**
    +   * Returns the AST for the given SQL string.
    +   */
    +  protected def getAst(sql: String): ASTNode = ParseDriver.parse(sql, conf)
    +  /** Creates LogicalPlan for a given HiveQL string. */
    +  def createPlan(sql: String): LogicalPlan = {
    +    try {
    +      createPlan(sql, ParseDriver.parse(sql, conf))
    +    } catch {
    +      case pe: ParseException =>
    +        pe.getMessage match {
    +          case errorRegEx(line, start, message) =>
    +            throw new AnalysisException(message, Some(line.toInt), 
    +          case otherMessage =>
    +            throw new AnalysisException(otherMessage)
    +        }
    +      case e: MatchError => throw e
    +      case e: Exception =>
    +        throw new AnalysisException(e.getMessage)
    +      case e: NotImplementedError =>
    +        throw new AnalysisException(
    +          s"""
    +             |Unsupported language features in query: $sql
    +             |${getAst(sql).treeString}
    +             |$e
    +             |${e.getStackTrace.head}
    +          """.stripMargin)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  protected def createPlan(sql: String, tree: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = 
    +  def parseDdl(ddl: String): Seq[Attribute] = {
    +    val tree =
    +      try {
    +        getAst(ddl)
    +      } catch {
    +        case pe: ParseException =>
    +          throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to parse ddl: '$ddl'", pe)
    +      }
    +    assert(tree.text == "TOK_CREATETABLE", "Only CREATE TABLE supported.")
    +    val tableOps = tree.children
    +    val colList = tableOps
    +      .find(_.text == "TOK_TABCOLLIST")
    +      .getOrElse(sys.error("No columnList!"))
    +  }
    +  protected def getClauses(
    +      clauseNames: Seq[String],
    +      nodeList: Seq[ASTNode]): Seq[Option[ASTNode]] = {
    +    var remainingNodes = nodeList
    +    val clauses = { clauseName =>
    +      val (matches, nonMatches) = 
remainingNodes.partition(_.text.toUpperCase == clauseName)
    +      remainingNodes = nonMatches ++ (if (matches.nonEmpty) matches.tail 
else Nil)
    +      matches.headOption
    +    }
    +    if (remainingNodes.nonEmpty) {
    +      sys.error(
    +        s"""Unhandled clauses: 
    +            |You are likely trying to use an unsupported Hive 
    +    }
    +    clauses
    +  }
    +  protected def getClause(clauseName: String, nodeList: Seq[ASTNode]): 
ASTNode =
    +    getClauseOption(clauseName, nodeList).getOrElse(sys.error(
    +      s"Expected clause $clauseName missing from 
    +  protected def getClauseOption(clauseName: String, nodeList: 
Seq[ASTNode]): Option[ASTNode] = {
    +    nodeList.filter { case ast: ASTNode => ast.text == clauseName } match {
    +      case Seq(oneMatch) => Some(oneMatch)
    +      case Seq() => None
    +      case _ => sys.error(s"Found multiple instances of clause 
    +    }
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToAttribute(node: ASTNode): Attribute = node match {
    +    case Token("TOK_TABCOL", Token(colName, Nil) :: dataType :: Nil) =>
    +      AttributeReference(colName, nodeToDataType(dataType), nullable = 
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("Attribute", node)
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToDataType(node: ASTNode): DataType = node match {
    +    case Token("TOK_DECIMAL", precision :: scale :: Nil) =>
    +      DecimalType(precision.text.toInt, scale.text.toInt)
    +    case Token("TOK_DECIMAL", precision :: Nil) =>
    +      DecimalType(precision.text.toInt, 0)
    +    case Token("TOK_DECIMAL", Nil) => DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT
    +    case Token("TOK_BIGINT", Nil) => LongType
    +    case Token("TOK_INT", Nil) => IntegerType
    +    case Token("TOK_TINYINT", Nil) => ByteType
    +    case Token("TOK_SMALLINT", Nil) => ShortType
    +    case Token("TOK_BOOLEAN", Nil) => BooleanType
    +    case Token("TOK_STRING", Nil) => StringType
    +    case Token("TOK_VARCHAR", Token(_, Nil) :: Nil) => StringType
    +    case Token("TOK_FLOAT", Nil) => FloatType
    +    case Token("TOK_DOUBLE", Nil) => DoubleType
    +    case Token("TOK_DATE", Nil) => DateType
    +    case Token("TOK_TIMESTAMP", Nil) => TimestampType
    +    case Token("TOK_BINARY", Nil) => BinaryType
    +    case Token("TOK_LIST", elementType :: Nil) => 
    +    case Token("TOK_STRUCT", Token("TOK_TABCOLLIST", fields) :: Nil) =>
    +      StructType(
    +    case Token("TOK_MAP", keyType :: valueType :: Nil) =>
    +      MapType(nodeToDataType(keyType), nodeToDataType(valueType))
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("DataType", node)
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToStructField(node: ASTNode): StructField = node match 
    +    case Token("TOK_TABCOL", Token(fieldName, Nil) :: dataType :: Nil) =>
    +      StructField(fieldName, nodeToDataType(dataType), nullable = true)
    +    case Token("TOK_TABCOL", Token(fieldName, Nil) :: dataType :: _ /* 
comment */:: Nil) =>
    +      StructField(fieldName, nodeToDataType(dataType), nullable = true)
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("StructField", node)
    +  }
    +  protected def extractTableIdent(tableNameParts: ASTNode): 
TableIdentifier = {
    + {
    +      case Token(part, Nil) => cleanIdentifier(part)
    +    } match {
    +      case Seq(tableOnly) => TableIdentifier(tableOnly)
    +      case Seq(databaseName, table) => TableIdentifier(table, 
    +      case other => sys.error("Hive only supports tables names like 
'tableName' " +
    +        s"or 'databaseName.tableName', found '$other'")
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * SELECT MAX(value) FROM src GROUP BY k1, k2, k3 GROUPING SETS((k1, 
k2), (k2))
    +   * is equivalent to
    +   * SELECT MAX(value) FROM src GROUP BY k1, k2 UNION SELECT MAX(value) 
    +   * Check the following link for details.
    +   *
    +   *
    +   * The bitmask denotes the grouping expressions validity for a grouping 
    +   * the bitmask also be called as grouping id (`GROUPING__ID`, the 
virtual column in Hive)
    +   * e.g. In superset (k1, k2, k3), (bit 0: k1, bit 1: k2, and bit 2: k3), 
the grouping id of
    +   * GROUPING SETS (k1, k2) and (k2) should be 3 and 2 respectively.
    +   */
    +  protected def extractGroupingSet(children: Seq[ASTNode]): 
(Seq[Expression], Seq[Int]) = {
    +    val (keyASTs, setASTs) = children.partition {
    +      case Token("TOK_GROUPING_SETS_EXPRESSION", _) => false // grouping 
    +      case _ => true // grouping keys
    +    }
    +    val keys =
    +    val keyMap = keyASTs.zipWithIndex.toMap
    +    val bitmasks: Seq[Int] = {
    +      case Token("TOK_GROUPING_SETS_EXPRESSION", null) => 0
    +      case Token("TOK_GROUPING_SETS_EXPRESSION", columns) =>
    +        columns.foldLeft(0)((bitmap, col) => {
    +          val keyIndex = keyMap.find(_._1.treeEquals(col)).map(_._2)
    +          bitmap | 1 << keyIndex.getOrElse(
    +            throw new AnalysisException(s"${col.treeString} doesn't show 
up in the GROUP BY list"))
    +        })
    +      case _ => sys.error("Expect GROUPING SETS clause")
    +    }
    +    (keys, bitmasks)
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToPlan(node: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = node match {
    +    case Token("TOK_QUERY", queryArgs @ Token("TOK_CTE" | "TOK_FROM" | 
"TOK_INSERT", _) :: _) =>
    +      val (fromClause: Option[ASTNode], insertClauses, cteRelations) =
    +        queryArgs match {
    +          case Token("TOK_CTE", ctes) :: Token("TOK_FROM", from) :: 
inserts =>
    +            val cteRelations = { node =>
    +              val relation = nodeToRelation(node).asInstanceOf[Subquery]
    +              relation.alias -> relation
    +            }
    +            (Some(from.head), inserts, Some(cteRelations.toMap))
    +          case Token("TOK_FROM", from) :: inserts =>
    +            (Some(from.head), inserts, None)
    +          case Token("TOK_INSERT", _) :: Nil =>
    +            (None, queryArgs, None)
    +        }
    +      // Return one query for each insert clause.
    +      val queries = {
    +        case Token("TOK_INSERT", singleInsert) =>
    +          val (
    +            intoClause ::
    +              destClause ::
    +              selectClause ::
    +              selectDistinctClause ::
    +              whereClause ::
    +              groupByClause ::
    +              rollupGroupByClause ::
    +              cubeGroupByClause ::
    +              groupingSetsClause ::
    +              orderByClause ::
    +              havingClause ::
    +              sortByClause ::
    +              clusterByClause ::
    +              distributeByClause ::
    +              limitClause ::
    +              lateralViewClause ::
    +              windowClause :: Nil) = {
    +            getClauses(
    +              Seq(
    +                "TOK_INSERT_INTO",
    +                "TOK_DESTINATION",
    +                "TOK_SELECT",
    +                "TOK_SELECTDI",
    +                "TOK_WHERE",
    +                "TOK_GROUPBY",
    +                "TOK_ROLLUP_GROUPBY",
    +                "TOK_CUBE_GROUPBY",
    +                "TOK_GROUPING_SETS",
    +                "TOK_ORDERBY",
    +                "TOK_HAVING",
    +                "TOK_SORTBY",
    +                "TOK_CLUSTERBY",
    +                "TOK_DISTRIBUTEBY",
    +                "TOK_LIMIT",
    +                "TOK_LATERAL_VIEW",
    +                "WINDOW"),
    +              singleInsert)
    +          }
    +          val relations = fromClause match {
    +            case Some(f) => nodeToRelation(f)
    +            case None => OneRowRelation
    +          }
    +          val withWhere = { whereNode =>
    +            val Seq(whereExpr) = whereNode.children
    +            Filter(nodeToExpr(whereExpr), relations)
    +          }.getOrElse(relations)
    +          val select = (selectClause orElse selectDistinctClause)
    +            .getOrElse(sys.error("No select clause."))
    +          val transformation = nodeToTransformation(select.children.head, 
    +          val withLateralView = { lv =>
    +            nodeToGenerate(lv.children.head, outer = false, withWhere)
    +          }.getOrElse(withWhere)
    +          // The projection of the query can either be a normal 
projection, an aggregation
    +          // (if there is a group by) or a script transformation.
    +          val withProject: LogicalPlan = transformation.getOrElse {
    +            val selectExpressions =
    +            Seq(
    +     => e match {
    +                case Token("TOK_GROUPBY", children) =>
    +                  // Not a transformation so must be either project or 
    +                  Aggregate(, selectExpressions, 
    +                case _ => sys.error("Expect GROUP BY")
    +              }),
    +     => e match {
    +                case Token("TOK_GROUPING_SETS", children) =>
    +                  val(groupByExprs, masks) = extractGroupingSet(children)
    +                  GroupingSets(masks, groupByExprs, withLateralView, 
    +                case _ => sys.error("Expect GROUPING SETS")
    +              }),
    +     => e match {
    +                case Token("TOK_ROLLUP_GROUPBY", children) =>
    +                  Aggregate(
    +                    Seq(Rollup(,
    +                    selectExpressions,
    +                    withLateralView)
    +                case _ => sys.error("Expect WITH ROLLUP")
    +              }),
    +     => e match {
    +                case Token("TOK_CUBE_GROUPBY", children) =>
    +                  Aggregate(
    +                    Seq(Cube(,
    +                    selectExpressions,
    +                    withLateralView)
    +                case _ => sys.error("Expect WITH CUBE")
    +              }),
    +              Some(Project(selectExpressions, 
    +          }
    +          // Handle HAVING clause.
    +          val withHaving = { h =>
    +            val havingExpr = h.children match { case Seq(hexpr) => 
nodeToExpr(hexpr) }
    +            // Note that we added a cast to boolean. If the expression 
itself is already boolean,
    +            // the optimizer will get rid of the unnecessary cast.
    +            Filter(Cast(havingExpr, BooleanType), withProject)
    +          }.getOrElse(withProject)
    +          // Handle SELECT DISTINCT
    +          val withDistinct =
    +            if (selectDistinctClause.isDefined) Distinct(withHaving) else 
    +          // Handle ORDER BY, SORT BY, DISTRIBUTE BY, and CLUSTER BY 
    +          val withSort =
    +            (orderByClause, sortByClause, distributeByClause, 
clusterByClause) match {
    +              case (Some(totalOrdering), None, None, None) =>
    +                Sort(, global = 
true, withDistinct)
    +              case (None, Some(perPartitionOrdering), None, None) =>
    +                Sort(
    +        ,
    +                  global = false, withDistinct)
    +              case (None, None, Some(partitionExprs), None) =>
    +                RepartitionByExpression(
    +        , withDistinct)
    +              case (None, Some(perPartitionOrdering), 
Some(partitionExprs), None) =>
    +                Sort(
    +        , 
global = false,
    +                  RepartitionByExpression(
    +          ,
    +                    withDistinct))
    +              case (None, None, None, Some(clusterExprs)) =>
    +                Sort(
    +        , 
    +                  global = false,
    +                  RepartitionByExpression(
    +          ,
    +                    withDistinct))
    +              case (None, None, None, None) => withDistinct
    +              case _ => sys.error("Unsupported set of ordering / 
distribution clauses.")
    +            }
    +          val withLimit =
    +   => nodeToExpr(l.children.head))
    +              .map(Limit(_, withSort))
    +              .getOrElse(withSort)
    +          // Collect all window specifications defined in the WINDOW 
    +          val windowDefinitions = {
    +            case Token("TOK_WINDOWDEF",
    +            Token(windowName, Nil) :: Token("TOK_WINDOWSPEC", spec) :: 
Nil) =>
    +              windowName -> nodesToWindowSpecification(spec)
    +          }.toMap)
    +          // Handle cases like
    +          // window w1 as (partition by p_mfgr order by p_name
    +          //               range between 2 preceding and 2 following),
    +          //        w2 as w1
    +          val resolvedCrossReference = {
    +            windowDefMap => {
    +              case (windowName, WindowSpecReference(other)) =>
    +                (windowName, 
    +              case o => o.asInstanceOf[(String, WindowSpecDefinition)]
    +            }
    +          }
    +          val withWindowDefinitions =
    +  , 
    +          // TOK_INSERT_INTO means to add files to the table.
    +          // TOK_DESTINATION means to overwrite the table.
    +          val resultDestination =
    +            (intoClause orElse destClause).getOrElse(sys.error("No 
destination found."))
    +          val overwrite = intoClause.isEmpty
    +          nodeToDest(
    +            resultDestination,
    +            withWindowDefinitions,
    +            overwrite)
    +      }
    +      // If there are multiple INSERTS just UNION them together into on 
    +      val query = queries.reduceLeft(Union)
    +      // return With plan if there is CTE
    +, _)).getOrElse(query)
    +    // HIVE-9039 renamed TOK_UNION => TOK_UNIONALL while adding 
    +    case Token("TOK_UNIONALL", left :: right :: Nil) =>
    +      Union(nodeToPlan(left), nodeToPlan(right))
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("Plan", node)
    +  }
    +  val allJoinTokens = "(TOK_.*JOIN)".r
    +  val laterViewToken = "TOK_LATERAL_VIEW(.*)".r
    +  protected def nodeToRelation(node: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = {
    +    node match {
    +      case Token("TOK_SUBQUERY", query :: Token(alias, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +        Subquery(cleanIdentifier(alias), nodeToPlan(query))
    +      case Token(laterViewToken(isOuter), selectClause :: relationClause 
:: Nil) =>
    +        nodeToGenerate(
    +          selectClause,
    +          outer = isOuter.nonEmpty,
    +          nodeToRelation(relationClause))
    +      /* All relations, possibly with aliases or sampling clauses. */
    +      case Token("TOK_TABREF", clauses) =>
    +        // If the last clause is not a token then it's the alias of the 
    +        val (nonAliasClauses, aliasClause) =
    +          if (clauses.last.text.startsWith("TOK")) {
    +            (clauses, None)
    +          } else {
    +            (clauses.dropRight(1), Some(clauses.last))
    +          }
    +        val (Some(tableNameParts) ::
    +          splitSampleClause ::
    +          bucketSampleClause :: Nil) = {
    +          getClauses(Seq("TOK_TABNAME", "TOK_TABLESPLITSAMPLE", 
    +            nonAliasClauses)
    +        }
    +        val tableIdent = extractTableIdent(tableNameParts)
    +        val alias = { case Token(a, Nil) => 
cleanIdentifier(a) }
    +        val relation = UnresolvedRelation(tableIdent, alias)
    +        // Apply sampling if requested.
    +        (bucketSampleClause orElse splitSampleClause).map {
    +          case Token("TOK_TABLESPLITSAMPLE",
    +          Token("TOK_ROWCOUNT", Nil) :: Token(count, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +            Limit(Literal(count.toInt), relation)
    +          case Token("TOK_TABLESPLITSAMPLE",
    +          Token("TOK_PERCENT", Nil) :: Token(fraction, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +            // The range of fraction accepted by Sample is [0, 1]. Because 
Hive's block sampling
    +            // function takes X PERCENT as the input and the range of X is 
[0, 100], we need to
    +            // adjust the fraction.
    +            require(
    +              fraction.toDouble >= (0.0 - RandomSampler.roundingEpsilon)
    +                && fraction.toDouble <= (100.0 + 
    +              s"Sampling fraction ($fraction) must be on interval [0, 
    +            Sample(0.0, fraction.toDouble / 100, withReplacement = false,
    +              (math.random * 1000).toInt,
    +              relation)
    +          case Token("TOK_TABLEBUCKETSAMPLE",
    +          Token(numerator, Nil) ::
    +            Token(denominator, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +            val fraction = numerator.toDouble / denominator.toDouble
    +            Sample(0.0, fraction, withReplacement = false, (math.random * 
1000).toInt, relation)
    +          case a =>
    +            noParseRule("Sampling", a)
    +        }.getOrElse(relation)
    +      case Token(allJoinTokens(joinToken), relation1 :: relation2 :: 
other) =>
    +        if (!(other.size <= 1)) {
    +          sys.error(s"Unsupported join operation: $other")
    +        }
    +        val joinType = joinToken match {
    +          case "TOK_JOIN" => Inner
    +          case "TOK_CROSSJOIN" => Inner
    +          case "TOK_RIGHTOUTERJOIN" => RightOuter
    +          case "TOK_LEFTOUTERJOIN" => LeftOuter
    +          case "TOK_FULLOUTERJOIN" => FullOuter
    +          case "TOK_LEFTSEMIJOIN" => LeftSemi
    +          case "TOK_UNIQUEJOIN" => noParseRule("Unique Join", node)
    +          case "TOK_ANTIJOIN" => noParseRule("Anti Join", node)
    +        }
    +        Join(nodeToRelation(relation1),
    +          nodeToRelation(relation2),
    +          joinType,
    +      case _ =>
    +        noParseRule("Relation", node)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToSortOrder(node: ASTNode): SortOrder = node match {
    +    case Token("TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC", sortExpr :: Nil) =>
    +      SortOrder(nodeToExpr(sortExpr), Ascending)
    +    case Token("TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEDESC", sortExpr :: Nil) =>
    +      SortOrder(nodeToExpr(sortExpr), Descending)
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("SortOrder", node)
    +  }
    +  val destinationToken = "TOK_DESTINATION|TOK_INSERT_INTO".r
    +  protected def nodeToDest(
    +      node: ASTNode,
    +      query: LogicalPlan,
    +      overwrite: Boolean): LogicalPlan = node match {
    +    case Token(destinationToken(),
    +    Token("TOK_DIR",
    +    Token("TOK_TMP_FILE", Nil) :: Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      query
    +    case Token(destinationToken(),
    +    Token("TOK_TAB",
    +    tableArgs) :: Nil) =>
    +      val Some(tableNameParts) :: partitionClause :: Nil =
    +        getClauses(Seq("TOK_TABNAME", "TOK_PARTSPEC"), tableArgs)
    +      val tableIdent = extractTableIdent(tableNameParts)
    +      val partitionKeys = {
    +        // Parse partitions. We also make keys case insensitive.
    +        case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", Token(key, Nil) :: Token(value, Nil) :: 
Nil) =>
    +          cleanIdentifier(key.toLowerCase) -> Some(unquoteString(value))
    +        case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", Token(key, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +          cleanIdentifier(key.toLowerCase) -> None
    +      }.toMap).getOrElse(Map.empty)
    +      InsertIntoTable(
    +        UnresolvedRelation(tableIdent, None), partitionKeys, query, 
overwrite, ifNotExists = false)
    +    case Token(destinationToken(),
    +    Token("TOK_TAB",
    +    tableArgs) ::
    +      Token("TOK_IFNOTEXISTS",
    +      ifNotExists) :: Nil) =>
    +      val Some(tableNameParts) :: partitionClause :: Nil =
    +        getClauses(Seq("TOK_TABNAME", "TOK_PARTSPEC"), tableArgs)
    +      val tableIdent = extractTableIdent(tableNameParts)
    +      val partitionKeys = {
    +        // Parse partitions. We also make keys case insensitive.
    +        case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", Token(key, Nil) :: Token(value, Nil) :: 
Nil) =>
    +          cleanIdentifier(key.toLowerCase) -> Some(unquoteString(value))
    +        case Token("TOK_PARTVAL", Token(key, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +          cleanIdentifier(key.toLowerCase) -> None
    +      }.toMap).getOrElse(Map.empty)
    +      InsertIntoTable(
    +        UnresolvedRelation(tableIdent, None), partitionKeys, query, 
overwrite, ifNotExists = true)
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("Destination", node)
    +  }
    +  protected def selExprNodeToExpr(node: ASTNode): Option[Expression] = 
node match {
    +    case Token("TOK_SELEXPR", e :: Nil) =>
    +      Some(nodeToExpr(e))
    +    case Token("TOK_SELEXPR", e :: Token(alias, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      Some(Alias(nodeToExpr(e), cleanIdentifier(alias))())
    +    case Token("TOK_SELEXPR", e :: aliasChildren) =>
    +      val aliasNames = aliasChildren.collect {
    +        case Token(name, Nil) => cleanIdentifier(name)
    +      }
    +      Some(MultiAlias(nodeToExpr(e), aliasNames))
    +    /* Hints are ignored */
    +    case Token("TOK_HINTLIST", _) => None
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("Select", node)
    +  }
    +  protected val escapedIdentifier = "`([^`]+)`".r
    +  protected val doubleQuotedString = "\"([^\"]+)\"".r
    +  protected val singleQuotedString = "'([^']+)'".r
    +  protected def unquoteString(str: String) = str match {
    +    case singleQuotedString(s) => s
    +    case doubleQuotedString(s) => s
    +    case other => other
    +  }
    +  /** Strips backticks from ident if present */
    +  protected def cleanIdentifier(ident: String): String = ident match {
    +    case escapedIdentifier(i) => i
    +    case plainIdent => plainIdent
    +  }
    +  val numericAstTypes = Seq(
    +    SparkSqlParser.Number,
    +    SparkSqlParser.TinyintLiteral,
    +    SparkSqlParser.SmallintLiteral,
    +    SparkSqlParser.BigintLiteral,
    +    SparkSqlParser.DecimalLiteral)
    +  /* Case insensitive matches */
    +  val COUNT = "(?i)COUNT".r
    +  val SUM = "(?i)SUM".r
    +  val AND = "(?i)AND".r
    +  val OR = "(?i)OR".r
    +  val NOT = "(?i)NOT".r
    +  val TRUE = "(?i)TRUE".r
    +  val FALSE = "(?i)FALSE".r
    +  val LIKE = "(?i)LIKE".r
    +  val RLIKE = "(?i)RLIKE".r
    +  val REGEXP = "(?i)REGEXP".r
    +  val IN = "(?i)IN".r
    +  val DIV = "(?i)DIV".r
    +  val BETWEEN = "(?i)BETWEEN".r
    +  val WHEN = "(?i)WHEN".r
    +  val CASE = "(?i)CASE".r
    +  protected def nodeToExpr(node: ASTNode): Expression = node match {
    +    /* Attribute References */
    +    case Token("TOK_TABLE_OR_COL", Token(name, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      UnresolvedAttribute.quoted(cleanIdentifier(name))
    +    case Token(".", qualifier :: Token(attr, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      nodeToExpr(qualifier) match {
    +        case UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts) =>
    +          UnresolvedAttribute(nameParts :+ cleanIdentifier(attr))
    +        case other => UnresolvedExtractValue(other, Literal(attr))
    +      }
    +    /* Stars (*) */
    +    case Token("TOK_ALLCOLREF", Nil) => UnresolvedStar(None)
    +    // The format of dbName.tableName.* cannot be parsed by HiveParser. 
TOK_TABNAME will only
    +    // has a single child which is tableName.
    +    case Token("TOK_ALLCOLREF", Token("TOK_TABNAME", Token(name, Nil) :: 
Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      UnresolvedStar(Some(UnresolvedAttribute.parseAttributeName(name)))
    +    /* Aggregate Functions */
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTIONDI", Token(COUNT(), Nil) :: args) =>
    +      Count( = true)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR", Token(COUNT(), Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +      Count(Literal(1)).toAggregateExpression()
    +    /* Casts */
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_STRING", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), StringType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_VARCHAR", _) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), StringType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_CHAR", _) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), StringType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_INT", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), IntegerType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_BIGINT", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), LongType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_FLOAT", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), FloatType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_DOUBLE", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), DoubleType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_SMALLINT", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), ShortType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_TINYINT", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), ByteType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_BINARY", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), BinaryType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_BOOLEAN", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), BooleanType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_DECIMAL", precision :: scale :: 
nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), DecimalType(precision.text.toInt, 
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_DECIMAL", precision :: Nil) :: 
arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), DecimalType(precision.text.toInt, 0))
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_DECIMAL", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_TIMESTAMP", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) 
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), TimestampType)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_DATE", Nil) :: arg :: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(nodeToExpr(arg), DateType)
    +    /* Arithmetic */
    +    case Token("+", child :: Nil) => nodeToExpr(child)
    +    case Token("-", child :: Nil) => UnaryMinus(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    case Token("~", child :: Nil) => BitwiseNot(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    case Token("+", left :: right:: Nil) => Add(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("-", left :: right:: Nil) => Subtract(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("*", left :: right:: Nil) => Multiply(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("/", left :: right:: Nil) => Divide(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(DIV(), left :: right:: Nil) =>
    +      Cast(Divide(nodeToExpr(left), nodeToExpr(right)), LongType)
    +    case Token("%", left :: right:: Nil) => Remainder(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("&", left :: right:: Nil) => BitwiseAnd(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("|", left :: right:: Nil) => BitwiseOr(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("^", left :: right:: Nil) => BitwiseXor(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    /* Comparisons */
    +    case Token("=", left :: right:: Nil) => EqualTo(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("==", left :: right:: Nil) => EqualTo(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("<=>", left :: right:: Nil) => 
EqualNullSafe(nodeToExpr(left), nodeToExpr(right))
    +    case Token("!=", left :: right:: Nil) => Not(EqualTo(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("<>", left :: right:: Nil) => Not(EqualTo(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(">", left :: right:: Nil) => GreaterThan(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(">=", left :: right:: Nil) => 
GreaterThanOrEqual(nodeToExpr(left), nodeToExpr(right))
    +    case Token("<", left :: right:: Nil) => LessThan(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("<=", left :: right:: Nil) => 
LessThanOrEqual(nodeToExpr(left), nodeToExpr(right))
    +    case Token(LIKE(), left :: right:: Nil) => Like(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(RLIKE(), left :: right:: Nil) => RLike(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(REGEXP(), left :: right:: Nil) => RLike(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_ISNOTNULL", Nil) :: child :: 
Nil) =>
    +      IsNotNull(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token("TOK_ISNULL", Nil) :: child :: Nil) =>
    +      IsNull(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token(IN(), Nil) :: value :: list) =>
    +      In(nodeToExpr(value),
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION",
    +    Token(BETWEEN(), Nil) ::
    +      kw ::
    +      target ::
    +      minValue ::
    +      maxValue :: Nil) =>
    +      val targetExpression = nodeToExpr(target)
    +      val betweenExpr =
    +        And(
    +          GreaterThanOrEqual(targetExpression, nodeToExpr(minValue)),
    +          LessThanOrEqual(targetExpression, nodeToExpr(maxValue)))
    +      kw match {
    +        case Token("KW_FALSE", Nil) => betweenExpr
    +        case Token("KW_TRUE", Nil) => Not(betweenExpr)
    +      }
    +    /* Boolean Logic */
    +    case Token(AND(), left :: right:: Nil) => And(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(OR(), left :: right:: Nil) => Or(nodeToExpr(left), 
    +    case Token(NOT(), child :: Nil) => Not(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    case Token("!", child :: Nil) => Not(nodeToExpr(child))
    +    /* Case statements */
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token(WHEN(), Nil) :: branches) =>
    +      CaseWhen(
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token(CASE(), Nil) :: branches) =>
    +      val keyExpr = nodeToExpr(branches.head)
    +      CaseKeyWhen(keyExpr, branches.drop(1).map(nodeToExpr))
    +    /* Complex datatype manipulation */
    +    case Token("[", child :: ordinal :: Nil) =>
    +      UnresolvedExtractValue(nodeToExpr(child), nodeToExpr(ordinal))
    +    /* Window Functions */
    +    case Token(text, args :+ Token("TOK_WINDOWSPEC", spec)) =>
    +      val function = nodeToExpr(node.copy(children = node.children.init))
    +      nodesToWindowSpecification(spec) match {
    +        case reference: WindowSpecReference =>
    +          UnresolvedWindowExpression(function, reference)
    +        case definition: WindowSpecDefinition =>
    +          WindowExpression(function, definition)
    +      }
    +    /* UDFs - Must be last otherwise will preempt built in functions */
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token(name, Nil) :: args) =>
    +      UnresolvedFunction(name,, isDistinct = false)
    +    // Aggregate function with DISTINCT keyword.
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTIONDI", Token(name, Nil) :: args) =>
    +      UnresolvedFunction(name,, isDistinct = true)
    +    case Token("TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR", Token(name, Nil) :: args) =>
    +      UnresolvedFunction(name, UnresolvedStar(None) :: Nil, isDistinct = 
    +    /* Literals */
    +    case Token("TOK_NULL", Nil) => Literal.create(null, NullType)
    +    case Token(TRUE(), Nil) => Literal.create(true, BooleanType)
    +    case Token(FALSE(), Nil) => Literal.create(false, BooleanType)
    +    case Token("TOK_STRINGLITERALSEQUENCE", strings) =>
    +      Literal( => 
    +    // This code is adapted from
    +    // 
    +    case ast: ASTNode if numericAstTypes contains ast.tokenType =>
    +      var v: Literal = null
    +      try {
    +        if (ast.text.endsWith("L")) {
    +          // Literal bigint.
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.substring(0, ast.text.length() - 
1).toLong, LongType)
    +        } else if (ast.text.endsWith("S")) {
    +          // Literal smallint.
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.substring(0, ast.text.length() - 
1).toShort, ShortType)
    +        } else if (ast.text.endsWith("Y")) {
    +          // Literal tinyint.
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.substring(0, ast.text.length() - 
1).toByte, ByteType)
    +        } else if (ast.text.endsWith("BD") || ast.text.endsWith("D")) {
    +          // Literal decimal
    +          val strVal = ast.text.stripSuffix("D").stripSuffix("B")
    +          v = Literal(Decimal(strVal))
    +        } else {
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.toDouble, DoubleType)
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.toLong, LongType)
    +          v = Literal.create(ast.text.toInt, IntegerType)
    +        }
    +      } catch {
    +        case nfe: NumberFormatException => // Do nothing
    +      }
    +      if (v == null) {
    +        sys.error(s"Failed to parse number '${ast.text}'.")
    +      } else {
    +        v
    +      }
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == SparkSqlParser.StringLiteral =>
    +      Literal(ParseUtils.unescapeSQLString(ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == SparkSqlParser.TOK_DATELITERAL =>
    +      Literal(Date.valueOf(ast.text.substring(1, ast.text.length - 1)))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(ParseUtils.charSetString(ast.children.head.text, 
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromYearMonthString(ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromDayTimeString(ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("year", ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("month", ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("day", ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("hour", ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("minute", ast.text))
    +    case ast: ASTNode if ast.tokenType == 
    +      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString("second", ast.text))
    +    case _ =>
    +      noParseRule("Expression", node)
    +  }
    +  /* Case insensitive matches for Window Specification */
    +  val PRECEDING = "(?i)preceding".r
    +  val FOLLOWING = "(?i)following".r
    +  val CURRENT = "(?i)current".r
    +  protected def nodesToWindowSpecification(nodes: Seq[ASTNode]): 
WindowSpec = nodes match {
    +    case Token(windowName, Nil) :: Nil =>
    +      // Refer to a window spec defined in the window clause.
    +      WindowSpecReference(windowName)
    +    case Nil =>
    +      // OVER()
    +      WindowSpecDefinition(
    +        partitionSpec = Nil,
    +        orderSpec = Nil,
    +        frameSpecification = UnspecifiedFrame)
    +    case spec =>
    +      val (partitionClause :: rowFrame :: rangeFrame :: Nil) =
    +        getClauses(
    +          Seq(
    +            "TOK_PARTITIONINGSPEC",
    +            "TOK_WINDOWRANGE",
    +            "TOK_WINDOWVALUES"),
    +          spec)
    +      // Handle Partition By and Order By.
    +      val (partitionSpec, orderSpec) = { 
partitionAndOrdering =>
    +        val (partitionByClause :: orderByClause :: sortByClause :: 
clusterByClause :: Nil) =
    +          getClauses(
    +            Seq("TOK_DISTRIBUTEBY", "TOK_ORDERBY", "TOK_SORTBY", 
    +            partitionAndOrdering.children)
    +        (partitionByClause, orderByClause.orElse(sortByClause), 
clusterByClause) match {
    +          case (Some(partitionByExpr), Some(orderByExpr), None) =>
    +            (,
    +          case (Some(partitionByExpr), None, None) =>
    +            (, Nil)
    +          case (None, Some(orderByExpr), None) =>
    +            (Nil,
    +          case (None, None, Some(clusterByExpr)) =>
    +            val expressions =
    +            (expressions,, Ascending)))
    +          case _ =>
    +            noParseRule("Partition & Ordering", partitionAndOrdering)
    +        }
    +      }.getOrElse {
    +        (Nil, Nil)
    +      }
    +      // Handle Window Frame
    +      val windowFrame =
    +        if (rowFrame.isEmpty && rangeFrame.isEmpty) {
    +          UnspecifiedFrame
    +        } else {
    +          val frameType = => RowFrame).getOrElse(RangeFrame)
    +          def nodeToBoundary(node: ASTNode): FrameBoundary = node match {
    +            case Token(PRECEDING(), Token(count, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +              if (count.toLowerCase() == "unbounded") {
    +                UnboundedPreceding
    +              } else {
    +                ValuePreceding(count.toInt)
    +              }
    +            case Token(FOLLOWING(), Token(count, Nil) :: Nil) =>
    +              if (count.toLowerCase() == "unbounded") {
    +                UnboundedFollowing
    +              } else {
    +                ValueFollowing(count.toInt)
    +              }
    +            case Token(CURRENT(), Nil) => CurrentRow
    +            case _ =>
    +              noParseRule("Window Frame Boundary", node)
    +          }
    +          rowFrame.orElse(rangeFrame).map { frame =>
    +            frame.children match {
    +              case precedingNode :: followingNode :: Nil =>
    +                SpecifiedWindowFrame(
    +                  frameType,
    +                  nodeToBoundary(precedingNode),
    +                  nodeToBoundary(followingNode))
    +              case precedingNode :: Nil =>
    +                SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType, 
nodeToBoundary(precedingNode), CurrentRow)
    +              case _ =>
    +                noParseRule("Window Frame", frame)
    +            }
    +          }.getOrElse(sys.error(s"If you see this, please file a bug 
report with your query."))
    +        }
    +      WindowSpecDefinition(partitionSpec, orderSpec, windowFrame)
    +  }
    +  protected def nodeToTransformation(
    +      node: ASTNode,
    +      child: LogicalPlan): Option[ScriptTransformation] = None
    +  protected def nodeToGenerate(node: ASTNode, outer: Boolean, child: 
LogicalPlan): Generate = {
    +    val Token("TOK_SELECT", Token("TOK_SELEXPR", clauses) :: Nil) = node
    +    val alias = getClause("TOK_TABALIAS", clauses).children.head.text
    +    val generator = clauses.head match {
    +      case Token("TOK_FUNCTION", Token(functionName, Nil) :: children) =>
    +        UnresolvedGenerator(functionName,
    --- End diff --
    Does lateral view a hive feature? Should we support it in catalyst?

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