HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #25943: 
[WIP][SPARK-29261][SQL][CORE] Support recover live entities from KVStore for 
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/25943#discussion_r331387437

 File path: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/status/AppStatusListener.scala
 @@ -103,6 +104,81 @@ private[spark] class AppStatusListener(
+  // visible for tests
+  private[spark] def recoverLiveEntities(): Unit = {
+    if (!live) {
+      kvstore.view(classOf[JobDataWrapper])
+        .asScala.filter(_.info.status == JobExecutionStatus.RUNNING)
+        .map(_.toLiveJob).foreach(job => liveJobs.put(job.jobId, job))
+      kvstore.view(classOf[StageDataWrapper]).asScala
+        .filter { stageData =>
+          stageData.info.status == v1.StageStatus.PENDING ||
+            stageData.info.status == v1.StageStatus.ACTIVE
+        }
+        .map { stageData =>
+          val stageId = stageData.info.stageId
+          val jobs = liveJobs.values.filter(_.stageIds.contains(stageId)).toSeq
+          stageData.toLiveStage(jobs)
+        }.foreach { stage =>
+        val stageId = stage.info.stageId
+        val stageAttempt = stage.info.attemptNumber()
+        liveStages.put((stageId, stageAttempt), stage)
+        kvstore.view(classOf[ExecutorStageSummaryWrapper])
+          .index("stage")
+          .first(Array(stageId, stageAttempt))
+          .last(Array(stageId, stageAttempt))
+          .asScala
+          .map(_.toLiveExecutorStageSummary)
+          .foreach { esummary =>
+            stage.executorSummaries.put(esummary.executorId, esummary)
+            if (esummary.isBlacklisted) {
+              stage.blackListedExecutors += esummary.executorId
+              liveExecutors(esummary.executorId).isBlacklisted = true
+              liveExecutors(esummary.executorId).blacklistedInStages += stageId
+            }
+          }
+        kvstore.view(classOf[TaskDataWrapper])
+          .parent(Array(stageId, stageAttempt))
+          .index(TaskIndexNames.STATUS)
+          .first(TaskState.RUNNING.toString)
+          .last(TaskState.RUNNING.toString)
+          .closeableIterator().asScala
+          .map(_.toLiveTask)
+          .foreach { task =>
+            liveTasks.put(task.info.taskId, task)
+            stage.activeTasksPerExecutor(task.info.executorId) += 1
+          }
+      }
+        .map(_.toLiveExecutor).foreach(exec => 
liveExecutors.put(exec.executorId, exec))
+      kvstore.view(classOf[RDDStorageInfoWrapper]).asScala
 Review comment:
   nit: same here, but just a suggestion (as the indentation is not 
dramatically changed)

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