Rebuilding on a RHEL 3WS + all updates I've reached the same point you
have below, with a couple of exceptions.  

rdist fails to build under kernel-2.4.21-4.0.1.EL due to a pattern
matching error in the rdist source, I've bugzill'd this(110426).

Also coreutils is installing su both at /usr/bin/su and /bin/su, with
slightly different permissions:

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root    root            44980 Nov 19 10:43 /bin/su
-r-sr-xr-x    1 root    root            44980 Nov 19 10:43 /usr/bin/su

Did you see this with coreutils?  Also, any progress on linintl.jar? 
That seems like the only thing missing, some other packages have extra
files just as you describe below.  


On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 11:18, Michael Redinger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> after two hardware problems on my rebuild host I finally managed to rebuild
> RHEL AS 3.0.  My build host is RHEL 3.0 AS.
> This time I also try to make sure that the packages are almost identical
> with the Red Hat pachages.
> I checked if the original packages and the new packages contain the same
> files.
> I will also try to check if the binaries are linked against the same
> libraries, but I did not have time to do this.
> I basically just tried to build all packages. Then I installed the newly
> built devel packages and started again.
> After 4 runs I installed the remaining missing packages from RHL 9:
> gimp-print-devel
> gsl
> gtkglarea
> Gtk-Perl
> libglade
> lynx
> nasm
> perl-PDL
> skkdic
> Now the other packages were built successfully, too.
> Regarding the rpm file list checks, I found the following:
> - - emacs has to be built using --define "_host i386-redhat-linux"
> - - filesystem has to be built using --define "__debug_package 0"
> - - grub has to be built using --define "_host i386-redhat-linux"
> - - im-sdk needs Canna-devel (the build req is in the spec file, but commented ...)
> - - kdegraphics did not build the kamera modules. Rebuilding it at the 
>   end resulted in a "correct" package (regarding the contained files).
>   I first thought this was because of a missing gphoto2-devel, but there's
>   a build req for gphoto2-devel in the spec file. So there must be something
>   else ... any ideas?
> - - the rebuilt tcsh package contains many new files in
>   /usr/share/doc/tcsh-6.12/tcsh.html . This is actually a bug in the Red Hat
>   spec file (or tcsh). When perl tcsh.man2html is started with LANG=en_US.UTF-8,
>   it segfaults. I did the build using LANG=C, therefore the HTML pages
>   where built successfully. Will have to bugzilla this.
> - - The rebuilt librsvg2-devel did not contain 
>   /usr/include/librsvg-2/librsvg/rsvg-gz.h . Rebuilding it at the end
>   worked fine. I do not know why. Can anyone verify this? Any ideas?
> - - ruby-libs was missing several files. Seems like there are some build reqs
>   missing ... if I want to bugzilla this, I will have to have a closer look.
>   Building it with all devels installed worked.
> - - My rebuild GConf2-devel package contains some new files. Also, the HTML
>   files actually use this images:
>   +/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gconf/home.png
>   +/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gconf/left.png
>   +/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gconf/right.png
>   +/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gconf/up.png
>   I definitely do not know what is going on here ... how do GTK/GNOME
>   applications determine if they should use images?
>   Any ideas?
> - - My rebuilt gettext does not contain /usr/share/gettext/libintl.jar
>   Can anybody reproduce this? Any ideas what is missing?
> In case somebody is interrested in this - below is my "quick and dirty"
> script that checks if if the rebuilt RPMS contain the same files as
> the original RPMS.
> Greetings,
> Michael
> ###############################################################################
> #!/bin/sh
> ORIGDIR=/mnt/all/RedHat/RPMS/
> NEWDIR=/usr/local/build/RedHat/RPMS/all
> TMPDIR=/tmp/$(basename $0).$$
> [ -d "${TMPDIR}" ] && rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
> mkdir ${TMPDIR}
> for orpm in ${ORIGDIR}/*.rpm ; do
>   bfile=$(basename ${orpm})
>   nrpm=${NEWDIR}/${bfile}
>   if [ ! -f ${nrpm} -a ! -L ${nrpm} ] ; then
>     echo "!!! REBUILT RPM NOT FOUND: ${nrpm} !!!"
>   else
>     rpm -pql ${orpm} > ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.orig
>     rpm -pql ${nrpm} > ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.new
>     diff -Nu ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.orig ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.new > ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.diff
>     rm -f ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.orig
>     rm -f ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.new
>     if [ -s ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.diff ] ; then
>       echo "!!! REBUILD RPM DIFFERS !!!"
>       echo -e "\tSee: ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.diff"
>     else
>       rm -f ${TMPDIR}/${bfile}.diff
>     fi
>   fi
> done
> ###############################################################################
> - -- 
> Michael Redinger
> Zentraler Informatikdienst (Computer Centre)
> Universitaet Innsbruck                  
> Technikerstrasse 13                     Tel.: ++43 512 507 2335
> 6020 Innsbruck                          Fax.: ++43 512 507 2944
> Austria                                       Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> =/Zvt
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> Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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