Get the kernel src.rpm, type rpmbuild --rebuild --target i686
kernel*.src.rpm and wait for it to finish. Once this is complete, simply
install this kernel, it will not end with BOOT. This is what you need in
order to use that module.

On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 14:16, Greg Kurtzer wrote:
> I need a driver for my Promise 20376 SATA based RAID card and try to 
> compile it for use during install of RHEL.
> I downloaded the promise driver source tarball and compiled it on another 
> (already running) RHEL 3.0 system.
> When I try to use that driver during a new install I get an error 
> message however. I cannot insmod the module during install because it complains 
> that the module was compiled for kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL and the 
> current kernel is 2.4.21-4.ELBOOT.
> Is there a way to build a module without a kernel version included in the 
> module or (buyt not preferred) to build the module for that specific 
> ELBOOT kernel?

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