I have the same problem trying to compile the driver for Fedora Core
I have installed and boted 3 different kernel-BOOT rpms but each time it
creates a module for the UP kernel. I have loked htrough the Makefile
and cant see anything that dictates this action it is almost as if the
module cant be built for a BOt kernel. 


On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 22:03, Remco Barendse wrote:
> Thanks for the tip!
> I think this indeed would solve the problem but, when installation is 
> finished the system will boot up with the -EL kernel, not the -ELBOOT 
> kernel which only shifts the problem.
> My problem is that I cannot install the system now, if I rebuild the 
> module with -ELBOOT it will probably install correctly but fail to load  
> when going 'live' for the first time with the same error :)
> Surely there must be a way of rebuilding a module that will load 
> regardless of the current kernel version number?
> How do other people/vendors compile such a module?
> Ofcourse I could try swapping the module just after installation is 
> finished and before it asks me to reboot but this is not the preferred 
> way of installation.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, David Cox wrote:
> > But I think he wants the module to load during an install, when the
> > kernel version is *ELBOOT.   
> > 
> > You might try just installing RedHat's kernel-BOOT rpm on your running
> > RHEL system, booting into the ELBOOT kernel, and rebuilding the RAID
> > driver there.  
> > 
> > dave
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 16:40, Erik A. Espinoza wrote:
> > > Get the kernel src.rpm, type rpmbuild --rebuild --target i686
> > > kernel*.src.rpm and wait for it to finish. Once this is complete, simply
> > > install this kernel, it will not end with BOOT. This is what you need in
> > > order to use that module.
> > > 
> > > On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 14:16, Greg Kurtzer wrote:
> > > > I need a driver for my Promise 20376 SATA based RAID card and try to 
> > > > compile it for use during install of RHEL.
> > > >
> > > > I downloaded the promise driver source tarball and compiled it on another 
> > > > (already running) RHEL 3.0 system.
> > > >
> > > > When I try to use that driver during a new install I get an error 
> > > > message however. I cannot insmod the module during install because it 
> > > > complains 
> > > > that the module was compiled for kernel version 2.4.21-4.EL and the 
> > > > current kernel is 2.4.21-4.ELBOOT.
> > > >
> > > > Is there a way to build a module without a kernel version included in the 
> > > > module or (buyt not preferred) to build the module for that specific 
> > > > ELBOOT kernel?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > rhel-rebuild mailing list
> > > Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
> > 
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> Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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