just checking in... did finally get my centos5 box in the lab going... (i
realize its not exactly rhel5...) and just installed bugzilla. It did not
try to install perl-YAML, but that package does exist in EPEL.

I see the error you are seeing... and find it odd, should definitely open a
ticket in bugzilla.  That being said I ran the following:

yum install perl-GD.x86_64 perl-GDGraph.noarch perl-GDTextUtil.noarch
ImageMagick-perl.x86_64 perl-Authen-SASL.noarch perl-Authen-Radius.noarch
perl-HTML-Scrubber.noarch perl-Chart.noarch perl

and that resolved almost all of the dependencies.  Got me down to:

    Template-GD: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Template::Plugin::GD::Image
    PatchReader: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl PatchReader
         CGI.pm: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl CGI
Math-Random-Secure: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Math::Random::Secure

the CGI.pm one is interesting, cause the base perl module provides that
(/usr/lib/perl/5/5.8.8/CGI.pm).. so dug up further... it wants 3.51 and
RHEL only provides 3.15.  So that is an issue.. no idea how i got past it,
i'm assuming the requirements in checksetup.pl have changed (does it pull
from server? cause in /usr/share/bugzilla/Bugzilla/Install/Requirements.pm
it says 3.15 on line 65... but ah ha! down on line 237 it checks again and
wants 3.51... references bug 591165.. but thats supposed to be an optional

also.. thought it was interesting that it installed nginx instead of

and can someone please explain to be how avahi became a dependency for
other programs? sigh ghostscript -> gnome-vfs2 -> avahi....(I think  I read
that path right) so disheartening sometimes.  i apologize but its 1am and i
couldn't sleep. :)

So I was thinking we would need to file a bug or 3... but then lightning
struck... yay for late night inspiration...

All the ones I was and am missing fall under the optional section! :)

so its installed and ready to go... it would like a newer CGI.pm, and also
those other packages, but it doesn't NEED them.

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